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The Tutor Teacher. Is this how it feels? Which way now???

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Presentation on theme: "The Tutor Teacher. Is this how it feels? Which way now???"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Tutor Teacher

2 Is this how it feels? Which way now???


4 The Ideal Tutor Teacher A professional leader A role model Mentor Colleague Friend Supporter Confidante

5 The Needs of a Tutor Teacher Do you have:  A clear job description  Access to professional development  A network of colleagues

6 What should I do first?  Ensure the BT has a practising certificate  Letter of Appointment  Involve the BT in the life of the school from day 1 .2 additional staffing sorted

7 How can I help my BT? Establish expectations Policies and systems Provide clear guidelines on: – Planning and preparation – Classroom management strategies – Organisation skills and routines Watch out for signs of stress!

8 Documentation In consultation with the BT: Set meetings Set Goals Guidance and induction 0.2 / 0.1 allocation, dated and signed copy to the BT and Principal

9 Constructive Feedback Make formal and informal visits to the classroom Monitor and observe the class in action Provide support in areas of need Liaising with Principal (HANDOUT)

10 Professional Ensure that the BT’s are recognised as a valued staff member Ensure the criteria for full registration are met

11 Strengths and Needs Relationships Teaching strategies Planning Communication skills preparation reporting record keeping

12 Supporting role Praise the BT whenever possible Be flexible Be prepared to learn from your BT Remember: You are also entitled to enjoy each others achievements

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