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Travel and Environmental Implications of School Siting Kevin M. Nelson, AICP US EPA Smart Growth Program American Public Health Association Washington,

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Presentation on theme: "Travel and Environmental Implications of School Siting Kevin M. Nelson, AICP US EPA Smart Growth Program American Public Health Association Washington,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Travel and Environmental Implications of School Siting Kevin M. Nelson, AICP US EPA Smart Growth Program American Public Health Association Washington, DC November 9, 2004

2 Nelson, APHA, 11/9/04 2 What’s the connection? Communities are evaluating their growth patterns and educational investments.

3 Nelson, APHA, 11/9/04 3 What’s the connection? The School affects community growth. The School facility is a major financial investment that the entire community bears.

4 Nelson, APHA, 11/9/04 4 What happened to schools? What did we have a generation or two ago? – Small schools (avg 127) – Schools as centers of community – Investment in school facilities as public places – 2/3 of all students walking or biking

5 Nelson, APHA, 11/9/04 5 What happened to schools? What do we have now? – 70% more students, 70% fewer schools – Mega-schools (avg. 653) – 40% of HS more than 1000 – Schools on 10-30+ acres of fringe land – Mass produced, lowest-cost construction – Less than 10% of students walking or biking (CDC, 1999) Lots of congestion and space used for parking!

6 Nelson, APHA, 11/9/04 6 What happened to schools?

7 Nelson, APHA, 11/9/04 7 What happened to schools?

8 Nelson, APHA, 11/9/04 8 What happened to schools? South Carolina Coastal Conservation League

9 Nelson, APHA, 11/9/04 9 … and the environment? School location and design DO affect the environment Schools built close to students, in walkable neighborhoods – Can reduce traffic – Yield 13% increase in walking and biking – Reduce emissions 15% Need more work on this!

10 Nelson, APHA, 11/9/04 10 What happened to people?

11 Nelson, APHA, 11/9/04 11 What happened to people? Epidemic of poor health in children – Overweight and obesity – Asthma – High blood pressure Educational achievement?

12 Nelson, APHA, 11/9/04 12 Why has it happened? Flight to suburbs (cause and effect) Education theories Diversity goals Increasing costs of education Increasing cost and space needs of extracurriculars Site selection rules Construction & renovation funding

13 Nelson, APHA, 11/9/04 13 Chance to change is now! Converging interest in smaller schools that meet diverse goals: – Education – more personal attention, fewer dropouts, higher achievement – Community – anchor, sign of investment, activity spot – Public health – walking, recreation – Environment – air quality, water quality Forty thousand or more “baby boom” schools 40+ years old … AND … 1.3 million more K-12 students in next couple years – Renovate or build new? Build mega or smaller? – $100-300 BILLION will be spent

14 Nelson, APHA, 11/9/04 14 Rules of the game: 2/3 If the cost of renovating a school exceeds some percentage of new construction costs, a new school must be built. This policy is adopted even when renovation options could yield “like new” schools for less. 2/3 Rule 2/3 Rule 60% Rule 60% Rule

15 Nelson, APHA, 11/9/04 15 Rules of the game: feasibility Feasibility studies of new vs renovation – Costs of renovation are often overestimated. – Renovation possibilities are often overlooked. – Sometimes conducted by consultants who have financial interest in building new schools.

16 Nelson, APHA, 11/9/04 16 EPA commissioned Council of Educational Facilities Planners International (CEFPI) to do a study on state policies. 27 states have some minimum acreage requirement. Rules of the game: acreage

17 Nelson, APHA, 11/9/04 17 Let’s do the math for “Anyburb Senior High” 1500 students 35 acres + 15 = A minimum site size of 50 acres Ohio - elementary = 10 acres - middle = 20 acres - high = 35 acres - plus another acre for every 100 students Rules of the game: acreage Have YOU seen a 50-acre walkable school and schoolyard?

18 Nelson, APHA, 11/9/04 18 Signs of change Gates Foundation - $1B over 5 years creating 1500 new small high schools NYC – 60 new schools with 500 or fewer students – also Milwaukee, Raleigh, St Paul, others KnowledgeWorks Foundation – Ohioans prefer smaller high schools by 7-1 margin ( 1000) Chicago study of five elementary schools – Currently: 50% drive, 38% walk or bike – Would prefer: 22% drive, 64% walk or bike

19 Nelson, APHA, 11/9/04 19 Some solutions: state policy Pennsylvania eliminated the 2/3, 60% rule. Maryland’s School Construction Program favors renovating versus constructing new schools. New Jersey School Renaissance Zone Program uses schools to catalyze redevelopment. Maine requires the Dept. of Ed. to consider whether its decisions promote sprawl.

20 Nelson, APHA, 11/9/04 20 Some solutions: state policy South Carolina eliminated acreage requirements in 2003 "Creating more neighborhood schools is one of the most important avenues for advancing quality of life in South Carolina. It makes sense from a learning standpoint, an economic standpoint and it makes sense if you want to have schools that are part of a community's fabric as opposed to part of its sprawl.“ - South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford (R), July 16, 2003

21 Nelson, APHA, 11/9/04 21 Some solutions: national help NTHP & SGA: Powerpoint online, outreach campaign CEFPI: Revised guidelines published 2004 CEFPI & EPA: Forthcoming publication on community schools, benefits & case studies

22 Nelson, APHA, 11/9/04 22 What might work for you? Waivers (but … you must seek special permission to do the right thing) Partnerships like Safe Routes Affecting community beliefs / local political pressure Changing state/local policies

23 Nelson, APHA, 11/9/04 23 What else can you do? Review your community’s school facility master plan. – Closure & consolidation – Repair, renovation, modernization – Expansion & new construction Support the maintenance of your community’s school facilities.

24 Nelson, APHA, 11/9/04 24 For more information... Contact us – – – 202-566-2842 Visit these smart web sites – – – – – –

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