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CVJJ PHARMACEUTICALS HYBRID VEHICLES 1 Prepared by: Victor Navarro Joshua Wise, Jose Quiñonez, Carlos Fraire.

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Presentation on theme: "CVJJ PHARMACEUTICALS HYBRID VEHICLES 1 Prepared by: Victor Navarro Joshua Wise, Jose Quiñonez, Carlos Fraire."— Presentation transcript:

1 CVJJ PHARMACEUTICALS HYBRID VEHICLES 1 Prepared by: Victor Navarro Joshua Wise, Jose Quiñonez, Carlos Fraire

2 Introduction  Purpose of this presentation  Objective:  Going green  Hybrid cars  Outcome:  Our primary concern is good healthcare, but we also worry about our environment. As a result, we are taking new measures like reducing our carbon – footprint.

3 Going Green  Q: How are we going to approach this?  A: First, as a few companies are going paperless, we opted to follow the same practices because by doing so, we are saving a lot of trees.

4 Why hybrid cars Q: Why hybrid cars? A: The purpose of hybrid cars is to offer a cutting-edge and practical solution to contemporary drivers and gas-electric hybrid cars are the most popular options. Some models produce as much as 90% less toxic gases than conventional, non-hybrid vehicles. 4

5 Benefits of hybrid cars  Built with lightweight materials, these cars are very compact in size.  Hybrid vehicle engines generate fewer emissions, provide good mileage, idle less, and are very fuel efficient.  The aerodynamic architecture lessens drag and the tires are built with a unique rubber which lessens fiction.  These hybrid vehicles can help save planet.

6 What do we propose?  Our research contains the comparisons of a new fleet of hybrid vehicles opposed to fuel efficient vehicles as well as proposed recommendations for the Green Review. CVJJ Pharmaceutics is taking innovation to the next level by trying to implement a new way to reduce our carbon footprint as a company. It is not only a step into the future of transportation of pharmaceuticals but a broad vision to contributing back to the environment one car at a time.

7 Background on greenhouse gases  Carbon-Dioxide is the term to describe greenhouse gases, so you can only imagine how much carbon-dioxide is actually going into the environment each and every day. Carbon is a natural element that is found in every living thing and is all over the world, so when a human breathes oxygen and exhale’s it forms a bond called carbon-dioxide

8 Effects of Greenhouse Gases on the Environment  Greenhouse gases are basically gases that trap heat in our atmosphere which in turn has a heavy impact on global warming. The Earth’s atmosphere is an acting shield from the harmful rays of the sun, but with all the greenhouse gases in the air, it is preventing some of the heat to leave the atmosphere which in turn is causing the earth to heat up.

9 Adoption of Green Transportation  With our commitment to reduce our carbon footprint we realize that we cannot go completely green on all aspects of our company. But with a new system of going green we can invest in hybrid vehicles in our transportation department, by implementing this method of transportation. We will not only be reducing our carbon footprint as a company but also reducing our financial transactions pertaining to fuel.


11 Conventional vs. Hybrid Comparison  Our team decided to implement this green fleet not only because of the environmental benefits it will provide for our company, but the financial aspects of it as well. As shown in our Hybrid vs. Regular table, the Hyundai Accent is the cheaper of the two vehicles estimated to be around somewhere between fourteen thousand and sixteen thousand, whereas the Toyota Prius is around the nineteen to twenty three thousand range. The downside to the Hyundai Accent other than it not having an electric motor is that the vehicle only gets 28 miles per gallon in the city and 37 miles per gallon on the highway. In the long run we believe that not only is a hybrid vehicle better for our image, but financially better in the long run reducing costs for gasoline.

12 Optimal Hybrid Options  The three most recommended models are the Honda Insight, Honda CR-Z, and Toyota Prius C. The frontrunner price wise is the Honda Insight. At an estimated price of somewhere between eighteen thousand and twenty-two thousand this vehicle provides decent miles per gallon and is a top safety pick which will be beneficial for our drivers. Confidential


14 Recommendation  So ultimately our team suggests to purchase the Toyota Prius C based off of the information provided to us and the statistical comparison amongst the vehicles provided. By purchasing this hybrid vehicle we as a team believe that our company image will be perceived better than our competitors and will minimize company costs in the long run.

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