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Developmental Goal #1 Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger in Mali Mali is doing very poorly on this goal. 72.5% of Mali’s population is still making.

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Presentation on theme: "Developmental Goal #1 Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger in Mali Mali is doing very poorly on this goal. 72.5% of Mali’s population is still making."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developmental Goal #1 Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger in Mali Mali is doing very poorly on this goal. 72.5% of Mali’s population is still making less than $1 a day (the goal is to halve the amount of people making less than that by the year 2015), and this makes them one of the poorest nations in their quintile. 63.8% of the population is below the national poverty line. The percentage of people who are undernourished was actually lower in 1991 (26%) than it was in 1996 (34%), however it did begin to drop again in 2002 (28%). This is the most up to date information I could find as far as this goal goes, but I think it would be interesting to see what has happened to these numbers since the war broke out in Mali in 2012. My guess is that the percentage of people undernourished and in poverty would increase. MALI IS STRUGGLING GREATLY WITH THIS GOAL!

2 Developmental Goal #2 Achieve a universal primary education in Mali Although the Literacy rates of 15-24 year olds have dropped from 27% in 1990 to just over 24% in 2004, the net enrollment of students in primary education nearly doubled between 1990 and 2000. (From 20.9% to 40.8%, and got up to 45% in 2004) We would expect to see the literacy rates excel in the future because the measurement of the literacy of 15- 24 year olds is not an accurate reflection of the kids who have enrolled in primary education schools. The primary completion rate began at 10.8% in 1991 and by 2004 it was up to 44% MALI HAS MADE GREAT STRIDES IN PROVIDING PRIMARY EDUCATION TO ALL!

3 Developmental Goal #3 Promoting gender equality in Mali Mali’s gender equality numbers have done about the same thing that their other numbers have done, they seem to spike around 2000 and then fall back in the next couple years. The percentage of seats held by women in parliament in 1997 was at 2.3% in 2000 it had jumped to 12.2% and in 2006 it had fallen back down to 10.2% Mali has made a significant effort to equalize the gender differences.

4 Developmental Goal #4 Reducing child mortality in Mali The child mortality rate has steadily decreased since 1990. Mali has attempted to get children vaccinated against measles as part of this campaign. The number of deaths per 1000 live births in children under 5 has decreased from 250 in 1990 to 219 in 2004. Although this change is small it is very significant The infant mortality rate has also been steadily declining from 140 deaths per live birth to only 121. This is great progress. Mali is striving towards and has had success in reducing the child and infant mortality rate in the country.

5 Developmental Goal #5 Improving maternal health in Mali This is an area where Mali is STRUGGLING! In the year 1990 there were 1200 maternal deaths per 100,000 births. In 1995 it dropped nearly in half to only 630. This is great progress, however it had jumped back up to the original 1200 by the year 2000. Although for awhile Mali was making great progress toward improving maternal health, the statistics are nearly back to where they originally started.

6 Developmental Goal #6 Combating HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases in Mali Mali is making small progress towards preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS and they are working on educating the people on this subject. The percentage of people living with HIV/AIDS dropped from 1.9% in 2001 to 1.7% in 2004. Mali is striving to decrease deaths caused by disease, especially HIV/AIDS Mali has made and will continue to make progress towards educating the people and treating HIV/AIDS and other diseases

7 Developmental Goal #7 Ensuring environmental stability in Mali This goal includes providing safe drinking water to the people In 1990 the proportion of the people using improved drinking water sources was 34. In 2004 that number was nearly doubled and the proportion of population using improved water sources was 50. The Millennial goal was to halve the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water and Mali had nearly met that in 2004. GOAL MET!!!!!

8 Developmental Goal #8 Dealing with national debt in Mali This Mellenial goal also included measuring the populations technological advances. In 1990 zero people used the internet (mainly because the internet was inaccessible to nearly everyone at that time) but by 2004,.45 out of 100 people in Mali use the internet In 1995,.03 out of 100 people in Mali used a personal computer. In 2004 that number had jumped to.38. Perhaps the greatest improvement Mali has seen is in the cell phone user and telephone users. Per 100 people only.14 of them were using telephones in 1995. in 2004 nearly 5 people out of every 100 used a telephone or subscribed to a cell phone. Although not very much debt is mentioned in Mali’s statistics, they have seen some great advances in technology that will put them ahead in the future.

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