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Presentation on theme: "Measuring College and Career Readiness PARCC RESULTS: YEAR ONE LINDENWOLD PUBLIC SCHOOLS DECEMBER 14, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measuring College and Career Readiness PARCC RESULTS: YEAR ONE LINDENWOLD PUBLIC SCHOOLS DECEMBER 14, 2015


3 “New Jersey will educate all students to prepare them to lead productive, fulfilling lives. Through a public education system that is seamlessly aligned from pre-school to college, students will gain the requisite academic knowledge and technical and critical thinking skills for life and work in the 21 st century.” NJDOE VISION FOR PUBLIC EDUCATION

4 2009: New Jersey adopted higher course taking requirements for all students. 2010: New Jersey adopted the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics. RAISING STANDARDS College and Career Ready Standards “Align New Jersey high school standards and graduation requirements to college and workforce entry requirements.” – NJ High School Redesign Steering Committee (HSRSC - 2008) New Jersey has adopted standards that “are widely recognized as appropriate standards for college and career readiness.” - College and Career Ready Taskforce (CCRT - 2012)

5 NEXT STEPS: REPLACE HSPA “[T]he New Jersey High School Proficiency Assessment (HSPA) does not measure college or work readiness…Further, New Jersey colleges and universities do not use scores from the HSPA for admissions or placement, because the test does not reflect postsecondary placement requirements.” (HSRS - 2008)

6 2015: New Jersey adopted the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) assessments in English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics. IMPROVING STUDENT ASSESSMENT A System of Aligned Assessments “Replace HSPA with a series of end of course assessments in math… and a proficiency exam in language arts literacy that are aligned with the expectations of higher education and the workplace.” (HSRSC - 2008) Current tests should be “replaced with a system of end- of-course assessments.” (CCRT - 2012)


8  In 2015, New Jersey adopted the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) to replace HSPA and previous assessments in the elementary and middle school in language arts and mathematics.  Students took PARCC English Language Arts and Literacy Assessments (ELA/L) in grades 3 – 11.  Students took PARCC Mathematics Assessments in grades 3 – 8 and End of Course Assessments in Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II. NEW JERSEY’S STATEWIDE ASSESSMENT PROGRAM

9  Level 1: Not yet meeting grade-level expectations  Level 2: Partially meeting grade-level expectations  Level 3: Approaching grade-level expectations  Level 4: Meeting grade-level expectations  Level 5: Exceeding grade-level expectations PARCC PERFORMANCE LEVELS


11 Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) Meeting Expectations (Level 4) Exceeding Expectations (Level 5) % >= Level 4 Grade 315%18%24%39%5%44% Grade 48%15%27%39%12%51% Grade 57%15%26%45%6%52% Grade 68%16%28%40%9%49% Grade 711%15%23%34%18%52% Grade 812%15%22%39%13%52% Grade 918%19%24%30%10%40% Grade 1025%18%20%26%11%37% Grade 1117%19%24%30%11%41% NEW JERSEY’S 2015 PARCC OUTCOMES ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS/LITERACY Note: Numbers may not sum to 100% due to rounding.

12 Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) Meeting Expectations (Level 4) Exceeding Expectations (Level 5) % >= Level 4 Grade 38%19%28%37%8%45% Grade 47%22%30%36%4%41% Grade 56%21%32%35%6%41% Grade 68%21%30%35%6%41% Grade 78%22%33% 4%37% Grade 8*22%26%28%23%1%24% Algebra I14%25% 33%3%36% Geometry12%36%30%20%3%22% Algebra II32%25%20%22%2%24% NEW JERSEY’S 2015 PARCC OUTCOMES MATHEMATICS * Note: Approximately 30,000 New Jersey students participated in the PARCC Algebra I assessment while in middle school. Thus, PARCC Math 8 outcomes are not representative of grade 8 performance as a whole. Note: Numbers may not sum to 100% due to rounding.

13 2015 SAT: 44% met College and Career Ready Benchmark 2015 ACT: 43% met College and Career Ready Benchmark. PARCC OUTCOMES IN CONTEXT NAEP: National Assessment of Educational Progress ADP: American Diploma Project

14 END-OF-COURSE MATH OUTCOMES, % MEETING/EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS ADP (old test) Algebra I (2011) PARCC Algebra I (2015) PARCC Geometry (2015) PARCC Algebra II (2015) Count% % % % Grade 6 3979%6692% Grade 7 3,00194%3,53693% Grade 8 29,71570%27,49872%2,97392%45973% Grade 9 61,17721%53,65618%20,27947%4,72070% Grade 10 8,9695%5,5424%41,9308%20,71039% Grade 11 2,1824%1,3984%5,8952%32,0927%

15 ALGEBRA I PARCC-WIDE OUTCOMES AND COURSE GRADES PARCC Algebra I (2015) Percent “C” or higher in Algebra I course AY1415 Count% Meeting or Exceeding Count*% >= C Grade 6 6692%62100% Grade 7 3,53693%3,30594% Grade 8 27,49872%24,94489% Grade 9 53,65618%44,92367% Grade 10 5,5424%3,17048% Grade 11 1,3984%62346% * Based on an overall 84% match rate at a student-level between NJSMART course roster collection and PARCC Algebra I assessment data. Looking for mismatches between outcomes and expectations is an important first step, i.e., roughly 18% of freshman met or exceeded expectations in PARCC Algebra I yet 67% received Cs or better in their course.

16 Count of Valid Test Scores Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) Meeting Expectations (Level 4) Exceeding Expectation (Level 5) District % >= Level 4 NJ % >= Level 4 Grade 3 19730%24%23%22%1%23%44% Grade 4 20823% 35%18%1%19%51% Grade 5 16720%30%32%16%2%18%52% Grade 6 16913%18%33% 3%36%49% Grade 7 15625%21%31%20%4%24%52% Grade 8 14030%21%24%22%3%25%52% Grade 9 13437%34%17%10%3%13%40% Grade 10 10037%19%21% 2%23%37% Grade 11 10625%21%31%21%3%24%41% LINDENWOLD PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2015 PARCC GRADE-LEVEL OUTCOMES ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS/LITERACY

17 Count of Valid Test Scores Not Yet Meeting (Level 1) Partially Meeting (Level 2) Approaching Expectations (Level 3) Meeting Expectations (Level 4) Exceeding Expectation (Level 5) District % >= Level 4 NJ % >= Level 4 Grade 3 20318%32%30%19%1%20%45% Grade 4 20720%39%27%14%0%14%41% Grade 5 16721%40%29%10%0%10%41% Grade 6 1558%35%36%20%1%21%41% Grade 7 15011%37%40%13%0%13%37% Grade 8 12533%36%22%10%0%10%24% Algebra I (total) 14131%41%16%12%0%12%36% Algebra I (LMS) 166%0%19%75%0%75%- Geometry 10329%43%22%6%0%6%22% Algebra II 7127%31% 11%0%11%24% LINDENWOLD PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2015 PARCC GRADE-LEVEL OUTCOMES MATHEMATICS

18 ALGEBRA I LINDENWOLD OUTCOMES AND COURSE GRADES PARCC Algebra I (2015) Percent “C” or higher in Algebra I course AY1415 Count% Meeting or Exceeding Count*% >= C Grade 8 1675%18100% LHS 1233%5839%

19 24% 30% 29% 32% 33% 23% 22% 29% 58% 65% 61% 63% 62% 48% 44% 47% Gr 3Gr 4Gr 5Gr 6Gr 7Gr 8Gr 9Gr 10Gr 11 Economically DisadvantagedNon-Economically Disadvantage ELA RESULTS: % MEETING/EXCEEDING, BY ECONOMIC DISADVANTAGE

20 25% 22% 23% 22% 20% 17% 19% 8% 9% 59% 53% 47% 29% 45% 29% 30% Gr 3Gr 4Gr 5Gr 6Gr 7Gr 8Alg IGeoAlg II Economically DisadvantagedNon-Economically Disadvantage MATH RESULTS: % MEETING/EXCEEDING, BY ECONOMIC DISADVANTAGE

21 29 30 22 62 47 70 54 25 26 78 33 78 34 77 58 32 27 80 61 35 30 80 60 36 30 67 26 61 42 21 24 64 46 31 26 Gr 3Gr 4Gr 5Gr 6Gr 7Gr 8Gr 9Gr 10Gr 11 WhiteAfrican AmericanAsianHispanic ELA/L RESULTS: % MEETING/EXCEEDING, BY RACE/ETHNICITY

22 55 49 50 45 43 24 19 20 18 17 29 13 27 6 77 75 69 46 70 56 55 28 24 25 24 22 18 17 20 9 28 8 10 Gr 3Gr 4Gr 5Gr 6Gr 7Gr 8Alg IGeoAlg II WhiteAfrican AmericanAsianHispanic MATH RESULTS: % MEETING/EXCEEDING, BY RACE/ETHNICITY

23 QUESTIONS TO GUIDE PARCC DATA REFLECTION  How will we use PARCC data to be reflective about and improve curriculum and instructional practices?  How will we use PARCC data to inform educators’ conversations?  How will we expand and improve our ability to meet the learning needs of all students?

24 District and School Level Data: Math, ELA, reading and writing, and also by grade levels Disaggregated data, by subgroups Disaggregated data by categories, (i.e., standards sub-claims) Item analysis Student-level analysis YEAR ONE DATA ANALYSIS PLAN: DRILLING DOWN




28 HOW TO HELP YOUR CHILD http://understandthescore.o rg/



31 CLASS OF 2016- METHOD OF MEETING REQUIREMENT Math SAT - 72 % of test takers ( May 2015, October 2015 admin) PSAT- 62% of test takers (administered in 10th and 11th grade) PARCC- 20% of test takers (Geometry, Alg 2 ~excludes higher level math) English Language Arts SAT- 73% of test takers (May 2015, October 2015 admin) PSAT- 53% of test takers (administered in 10th and 11th grade) PARCC- 52% of test takers (English 11)

32 CLASS OF 2016 English/Language Arts - 88% have met grad. requirement ~ 22% in remediation Math- 66% have met grad. requirement - 34% in remediation College Readiness Courses Focused on targeting and addressing deficiencies in the content areas and building portfolio for appeals (if necessary)

33 ADDITIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE CLASS OF 2016 Currently Evaluating October Accuplacer Scores Currently enrolled in a College Readiness Course ASVAB in late February PARCC in May Accuplacer trip in May (can be taken at any time on CCC campus) Portfolio Appeal Process

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