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Islam and the Early Caliphates The Arabian Peninsula Pre-Islam Mostly nomadic tribes (Bedouins)Mostly nomadic tribes (Bedouins) Tribes often foughtTribes.

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2 Islam and the Early Caliphates

3 The Arabian Peninsula Pre-Islam Mostly nomadic tribes (Bedouins)Mostly nomadic tribes (Bedouins) Tribes often foughtTribes often fought Worshipped a large variety of godsWorshipped a large variety of gods Took pride in oral traditions/group loyaltyTook pride in oral traditions/group loyalty TRADERS (Muhammad was a merchant)TRADERS (Muhammad was a merchant)


5 Abraham’s Genealogy ABRAHAM SARAH HAGAR Isaac Esau Jacob 12 Tribes of Israel Ishmael 12 Arabian Tribes

6 The Prophets Adam Noah Abraham Moses Jesus Muhammad

7 Mecca Major trading/religious cityMajor trading/religious city Located between Byzantine and Sasanian EmpireLocated between Byzantine and Sasanian Empire Importance of the Ka’baImportance of the Ka’ba

8 The Messenger Muhammad (570-632 C.E.)Muhammad (570-632 C.E.) Troubled by the corruption and lawlessness of MeccaTroubled by the corruption and lawlessness of Mecca Retreats and revelationsRetreats and revelations Famous text: QuranFamous text: Quran Growing movement towards Allah/Yahweh as deity #1!Growing movement towards Allah/Yahweh as deity #1! Followers were kicked out of town (the Hijra)Followers were kicked out of town (the Hijra) ~When I heard the Quran, my heart was softened and I wept…~~When I heard the Quran, my heart was softened and I wept…~

9 Quran, Koran, Qur’an Holy book of IslamHoly book of Islam Called for a creation of a new society (Umma) based on justiceCalled for a creation of a new society (Umma) based on justice Considered to be literally the word of GodConsidered to be literally the word of God There is not an actual image of GodThere is not an actual image of God

10 The Five Pillars of Islam

11 1. The Shahada 1 1  The declaration of faith: There is no god except God, and Muhammad is His Messenger. There is no god except God, and Muhammad is His Messenger.

12 2. The Salat 2 2  Prayers performed 5 times a day: * dawn * noon * late afternoon * sunset * before going to bed  Wash before praying.  Face Mecca and use a prayer rug.


14 2. The Salat (continued) 2 2  The call to prayer by the muezzin in the minaret.  Pray in the mosque on Friday.  Prayer unifies body mind and soul.

15 3. The Zakat 3 3  Almsgiving (charitable donations).  About 2.5% of your wealth.

16 4. The Sawm 4 4  Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan.  No eating or drinking from sunrise to sunset during Ramadan.

17 5. The Hajj 5 5  The pilgrimage to Mecca.  Must be done at least once in a Muslim’s lifetime.  2-3 million Muslims make the pilgrimage every year.

18 PilPil Pilgrims On The Road to And Camped Outside of Mecca


20 Muslims in the World Today

21 Countries with the Largest Muslim Population 1.Indonesia230,000,0006.Iran62,000,000 2.Pakistan134,000,0007.Egypt59,000,000 3.India121,000,0008.Nigeria53,000,000 4.Bangladesh114,000,0009.Algeria31,000,000 5.Turkey66,000,00010.Morocco29,000,000 * Arabs make up only 20% of the total Muslim population of the world.

22 The Spread of Islam  Easy to learn and practice.  No priesthood.  Teaches equality.  Follow one law; The Sharia  Non-Muslims allowed religious freedom, but paid additional taxes.  Easily “portable”  nomads & trade routes.  The Weakness of nearby empires (Byzantine & Persian) allowed conquest

23 The Dar al-Islam: The Unity found across Muslim areas supported by common practice The Dar al-Islam: The Unity found across Muslim areas supported by common practice 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 The World of Islam

24 Family & Gender Roles  Early on women’s status pretty good  Islam teaches that all people’s souls are equal  Active in commerce  Pastoralist background!  More patriarchal over time  Considered to be Christians and Jews  paid extra taxes, but tolerated  non-Arab converts still had extra taxes  few conversions People of the Book

25 Arab Empire: Early Years  Muhammad’s death caused division  Who should lead?  Abu Bakr elected (632-634) as first Caliph  Ali (Muhammad’s cousin/son-in-law) was passed over (will be the 4 th Caliph).  Conquest becomes VERY important.  Focused primarily on material and territorial gain.


27 Motives for Conquest  United  Distraction from internal fighting  Promised a share of the booty  AVOIDED mass conversions  so they wouldn’t have to share their booty  so they could tax subjects at higher rates

28 Sunni v. Shi’a/Shi’ite  At issue: Who should lead the Muslim Umma?  First 4 Caliphs = “The Rightly Guided” Caliphs, most agreed on these guys  Ali (M’s cousin/SIL) & Husayn (Ali, the 4 th Caliph’s son) are killed in 680 by Umayyads (10,000 soldiers v. 72 of Husayn’s followers). Some thought HE should be the next caliph.  Killing of Husayn = the final split.  Shi’a = “Party of Ali” (Muhammad’s relatives are rightful caliphs) Sunni = “The Majority” (caliph should be chosen by the umma)

29 Umayyads (661-759)  Mu’awiya- Governor of Syria (responsible for deaths of Ali and Husayn) will become the Cailphate.  Expansion (central Asia, N.W. India, N. Africa, Spain)  Capital = Damascus (modern Syria)  Arab conquest state  Bureaucracy – Arab elite ruled over non-Arab, non-Muslim populations  Segregated into garrison towns to prevent mixing


31 Umayyad Decline & Fall Social Hierarchy: 1.Muslim Arabs 2.Muslim non-Arabs  REVOLT led by Abbasid family  Non-Arab converts & Shi’ites joined Abbasids

32 From Arab to Islamic Empire: Abbasids (750- 1258)  Centralized  Capital = Baghdad.  Imitated Persian culture  Non-Arab Converts fully integrated  LOTS of conversions  Opportunities for education/gov’t positions

33 Abbasid Economy & Culture  Urban  Trade & Hajj = constant and quick ideas exchange  House of Wisdom in Baghdad = Center of Learning Library, Translation Institute (mostly Greek to Arabic), and Research Center.  Ancient authors translated (especially Greeks like Aristotle!!!)

34 Abbasid Decline  Overexpansion  Caliphs hired personal armies of Turkic Central Asian pastoralists (Mamluk slave soldiers)  Centralization breaks down  Mamluk & Seljuk Turkic slave soldiers really run the gov’t (caliph = figurehead)  Mongols – kill the last caliph in 1258 Never trust a pastoralist.




38 Chart Time! Instructions: Make a Venn Diagram with 3 circles with at least three examples of how Islam spread by way of social, religious, and military factors (at least one of each).Instructions: Make a Venn Diagram with 3 circles with at least three examples of how Islam spread by way of social, religious, and military factors (at least one of each).

39 People of the Book

40 Madrassa schools Madrassa schools


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