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E UROPEAN FISHERIES - Tessie and Hannah. W HAT IS A FISHERY ? the catching, processing and marketing of fish, shellfish etc; a place where fish, etc are.

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Presentation on theme: "E UROPEAN FISHERIES - Tessie and Hannah. W HAT IS A FISHERY ? the catching, processing and marketing of fish, shellfish etc; a place where fish, etc are."— Presentation transcript:

1 E UROPEAN FISHERIES - Tessie and Hannah

2 W HAT IS A FISHERY ? the catching, processing and marketing of fish, shellfish etc; a place where fish, etc are caught or processed; a fishing company.

3 T HE E UROPEAN F ISHERIES F UND S UMMARY ensure the long-term future of fishing activities and the sustainable use of fishery resources reduce pressure on stocks by matching EU fleet capacity to available fishery resources promote the sustainable development of inland fishing; help boost economically viable enterprises in the fisheries sector and make operating structures more competitive foster the protection of the environment and marine resources encourage sustainable development and improve the quality of life in areas with an active fishing industry promote equality between women and men active in the fisheries sector. Approximately 3.8 million Euros = 4.8 million dollars

4 T HE E UROPEAN F ISHERIES F UND T OP 5 P RIORITIES 1. measures to adapt the EU fishing fleet: financial assistance will be available to fishermen and fishing vessels. 2. aquaculture, inland fishing, processing and marketing : the EFF will promote the purchase and use of gear and methods that reduce the impact of fishing on the environment and improve human and animal health and safety and the quality of produce. Assistance will be limited to micro, small and medium enterprises rather than a few large enterprises 3. collective action : the following projects will be eligible for aid: those which contribute to the sustainable development or conservation of resources, to improving the services offered by fishing ports, to strengthening markets in fishery products and to promoting partnerships between scientists and operators in the fisheries sector.

5 C ONTINUED.. 4. sustainable development of coastal fishing areas: the EFF will support measures and initiatives aimed at diversifying and strengthening economic development in areas affected by the decline in fishing activities. 5. technical assistance: the Fund may finance initiatives involving preparations, monitoring, administrative and technical support, evaluation, audit and checks needed to implement the proposed Regulation

6 S HARK F ISHERIES Sharks, skates, rays and chimaeras - the cartilaginous fishes or chondrichthyans - have been fished in Europe in a variety of ways for centuries. These fishes have provided everything from basic sustenance to luxury items, and most of their body parts have been used for specific purposes. Today in Europe, cartilaginous fishes are used primarily as food, however, their livers, fins, cartilage, skin and other derivatives are used for a variety of purposes.

7 T OP 10 FISHING AREAS IN EUROPE 1. Laxa River, Iceland 2. Alta River, Norway 3. Orkney Islands, Scotland 4. The west coast, Ireland 5. Kola Pennisula, Russia 6. Canary Islands, Spain 7. Lapland, Sweden 8. The Alps, Switzerland 9. The North, Italy 10. Rio Ebro, Spain

8 B IBLIOGRAPHY uz%20River.jpg en-europe-eu-policy.html reports/traffic_species_fish15.pdf

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