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Genital herpes infection

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1 Genital herpes infection
Skin manifestations

2 Hepes simplex virus (II)
Associated with genital infections , young sexually active adults mainly .. The primary lesions are: An erythematous plaque which is often noted initially, followed soon by grouped vesicles, which may evolve to pustules; these become eroded. Erosions are punched out and may enlarge to ulcerations.

3 Incubation period: 2-7 days
Lesions appear on the: Glans or penile shaft in of males Uvula in females Herpes lesions may found around the anus also (in case of homosexal men ..!!)

4 Group of vesicles with early central crusting on a red base arising on the shaft of the penis.

5 shallow ulcers on the edematous vulva and perineum
shallow ulcers on the edematous vulva and perineum. Micturition is often very painful. Associated inguinal lymphadenopathy is common.

6 Anal type of HSV(II)

7 Lesions are painful associated with: headache. myalgia. Fever
Lesions are painful associated with: headache..myalgia..Fever ..local lymphadenopathy.. Paraesthesiae may develop (urinary retention., constipation). Skin and mucosal lesions resolves within 2-3 weeks Recurrent genital herpes: with milder and shorter manifestations and more localized lesions (after exposure to sunlight..UV light..truma to sensory nerves).

8 Neonatal HSV(II) infection
Occurs during parturition when the mother has genital herpes (primary type !!). Clusters of vesicles , start to appear after few day to several weeks after birth.. Complications: Encephalitis..pneumonia..hepatitis..(with high mortality ).

9 Management 5 days of oral Acyclovir topical cream or systemic treatment (200 mg, 5 times per day ),,+ analgesics and saline baths For recurrence hygiene is all that required, in addition to counseling and prevention of transmission

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