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Social Welfare – PCOC Analysis PotentialsConstraintsOpportunitiesChallenges - National laws and regulation exist against child labour and early marriage.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Welfare – PCOC Analysis PotentialsConstraintsOpportunitiesChallenges - National laws and regulation exist against child labour and early marriage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Welfare – PCOC Analysis PotentialsConstraintsOpportunitiesChallenges - National laws and regulation exist against child labour and early marriage - Various associations of PWDs exist in District - 2% of District’s Common Fund allocated to PWDs - Cases of child labour and early marriage are high in the District - Lack of financial support to deal with them - Unreliable data on PWDs in the District - PWD associations are often not collaborating - Collaborate with governmental and non- government organizations in the District (e.g – CHRAJ, World Vision, Songtaba) - Female teachers / nurses can be used as role models (early marriage) - Assembly Members and community leaders can be used as agent of communication - High rate of illiteracy among parents - Lack of knowledge about the laws that prohibit early marriage and child labour - Most people still do not regard PWDs

2 Social Welfare – Objectives IssueDataObjective Early Marriage 54.2% of women marry before 18 Reduce incidence of early marriage from 54.2% to 30% by the end of 2013 Strategy / Activities Introduce positive role models into more communities: -Lobby GES / GHS / NYEP to send female workers (e.g - teachers & nurses) to areas where this practice is common to serve as role models Sensitize community leaders: -Organize sensitization workshops for chiefs, opinion leaders and Assembly persons especially from affected communities

3 Social Welfare – Objectives IssueDataObjective Child Labour 60.2% of children (5-14) are in child labour Reduce child labour cases from 60.2% to 30% by 2013 Strategy / Activities Create responsibility & accountability for child labour: -Hold talks with communities outside Saboba town to educate them on the effect of child labour -Form child protection teams to be responsible for child welfare in the communities Incorporate child labour issue into already existing programmes: -Lobby World Vision to focus child sponsorship in areas where child labor and early marriage is common -Try to incorporate messages about child labour and early marriages in the Non- Formal Education (NFED) courses and with religious groups

4 Social Welfare – Objectives IssueDataObjective Lack of employable skills among (PWDs) Only 2 PWDs employed in District (teacher, librarian) Provide employable skills to 90 PWDs by the end of 2013 Strategy / Activities Improve use of already existing PWD programmes -Task PWDs to identify income-generating activities or projects and thereafter lobby District Assembly to release the 2% of District Common Fund -To collect District-wide data for all forms of disabilities -Organize forum for PWD associations to share experiences and find areas of collaboration

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