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Tenements. Urbanization Child Labor Immigration.

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Presentation on theme: "Tenements. Urbanization Child Labor Immigration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tenements

2 Urbanization

3 Child Labor

4 Immigration

5 Poor Working Condition In The Factories

6 Assembly Line An assembly line is a manufacturing process in which parts usually interchangeable parts are added to a product in a sequential manner using optimally planned logistics to create a finished product much faster than with handcrafting type methods.

7 New Farm Technology Change from hand power to horses characterized the first American agricultural revolution

8 New technology used in the home 1860 to 1920 People used sowing machines to make close and other stuff that they need like blankets, pillows, and wash rags.

9 Jane Addams Jane Addams won the worldwide recognition in the first third of the twentieth century as a pioneer social worker in America, as a feminist, and internationalist. Jane Addams was and ardent feminist by philosophy.

10 Elizabeth Cady Stanton Elizabeth Cady Stanton was an American social activist, abolitionist, and leading figure of the early woman's movement. Her Declaration of Sentiments, presented at the first women's rights convention held in 1848 in Seneca Falls, New York, is often credited with initiating the first organized woman's rights and woman's suffrage movements in the United States

11 Lincoln Steffens

12 Ida Tarbell

13 Upton Sinclair

14 18 th amendment The 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution banned the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol.

15 19 th amendment When the women get the right to vote.

16 Sherman Anti Trust Act requires the United States Federal government to investigate and pursue trusts, companies and organizations suspected of violating the Act.

17 Reform to cause (a person) to abandon wrong or evil ways of life or conduct.

18 Nathan Bullock

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