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Chemistry 36B Projects Introduction and Project Assignments Searching the Chemical Literature Literature Assignment Proposal Critiques.

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1 Chemistry 36B Projects Introduction and Project Assignments Searching the Chemical Literature Literature Assignment Proposal Critiques

2 Chemistry 36B Projects Introduction Each team will be provided a project topic. The team will submit one project proposal based upon a brief literature review.

3 Chemistry 36B Projects Project Assignments Team 1: Building and Testing a Biosensor for Detection of the Oxidation of Cholesterol Team 2: The Synthesis of Oligopeptides Team 3: Enzymatic Synthesis of Lactones Team 4: The Isolation and Biological Activity of Natural Oils

4 Chemistry 36B Projects Searching the Chemical Literature 1.Define your Topic (In this case it is given to you) We will Use: Vitamin C in Juices 2. Review Tutorial "Information Literacy and You"

5 Chemistry 36B Projects Searching the Chemical Literature Information Literacy and You

6 Chemistry 36B Projects Searching the Chemical Literature 3. Generate a KEY WORD list to use in a literature search 1. Vitamin C 2. Ascorbic Acid

7 C hemistry 36B Projects 4. Search databases using KEY WORD list Journal of Chemical Education Online ACS E Journals Data base MEDLINE Data base Searching the Chemical Literature

8 Chemistry 36B Projects Searching the Chemical Literature JCHEM ED Site User Name: Robert D Minard Password: 16123 Click Here

9 Chemistry 36B Projects Searching the Chemical Literature User Name: Robert D Minard Password: 16123

10 Chemistry 36B Projects Searching the Chemical Literature Click Here To Start Your Search

11 Searching the Chemical Literature Chemistry 36B Projects Change to Contains Change to Title Change to Vitamin C

12 Chemistry 36B Projects Searching the Chemical Literature Click Here To Start Your Search

13 Chemistry 36B Projects Searching the Chemical Literature References in Blue are Downloadable

14 Chemistry 36B Projects Searching the Chemical Literature 5.Read KEY Articles 6.Examine References from KEY Articles Find any additional references that are essential to your project

15 Chemistry 36B Projects Literature Assignment For your project topic please find 5 reference journal articles pertaining to your project Only 2 of your article may be JCHEM ED articles, the other 3 must be from other scientific journals Write Reviews for these 5 articles The review of these articles should be no longer than 1 paragraph

16 Chemistry 36B Projects Literature Assignment Please attach a copy of this review form (available on the 36B page) to each article. Your references will be due on THUR. OCT. 3rd in lab.

17 Proposals What Should be Included in a Proposal? –Introduction –Procedure –Instrumental –References

18 Introduction Section State Your Hypothesis State the Goal of the Project State the Relevance of the Project

19 Procedure Section Use primary literature as a template to develop an experimental procedure to test your hypothesis Include diagrams of apparatus Include the source of all materials and cost

20 Instrumental Section Include experimental techniques used to carry out analyses of products Justify the choice of instrumentation Include a preliminary analytical method Include any special materials or accessories that will be needed for the analyses

21 References References should follow style of Journal of Chemical Education

22 Proposal Critique You will be given two proposals Proposals from previous Chem 36B students Pretend you are on an NSF review panel Review each proposal by providing positive and negative feedback on each proposal

23 Proposal Critique You can only fund one proposal Decide which proposal to fund Write 3-5 pages critiquing each proposal include which proposal you would fund and explain why Also provide areas that need to improved in each proposal Your critiques are due Tues. Oct. 8 th.

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