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Remediation At CSLA ¶Distribution ¶89 12% ¶90 18% ¶91 18% ¶Needs rem 48% ¶Pass 27% ¶Exempt 25% ¶students have one year to finish remediation ¶All students.

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2 Remediation At CSLA ¶Distribution ¶89 12% ¶90 18% ¶91 18% ¶Needs rem 48% ¶Pass 27% ¶Exempt 25% ¶students have one year to finish remediation ¶All students must take Math first quarter ¶No upper division transfers unless Math/ English completed

3 ELM z45 questions z90 minutes zMultiple Choice z Introductory-Intermediate Algebra & Geometry & Statistics

4 ELM Placement  0-80 Range  50+ Math 102  50 Math 100/109  42 Math 091  30 Math 090  <30 Math 89

5 Exit Exams  89, 90, 91,100,102, 103, Testing Office  Walk in  Immediate grading  No credit  89,90,91 Final Exams Testing Office  2-3 day grading  Credit if enrolled  3rd to 7th week

6 Drop in Tutoring z40 hour per week zMath 89 through Calculus zSeniors in Math Related Fields zTutoring Training

7 Early Assessment zCST + CSU Augmentation zNot ready-will need remedial work zCurrently OK, but need sustaining work zEXEMPT

8 Final Exam Department Written Team Graded All Remedial Instructors sign up for grading session Part of the job-just like showing up for the final Any unexcused absences will result in a reduction of teaching assignments. Roster with exams-check off who was there 65% Passing Standardization

9 Posting Grades zGET-post letter grades zDepartrment yLetter grade yTest score

10 Syllabus 089 zHandout for F5.2

11 Syllabus 090 Handouts for 11

12 Syllabus 091 Handout for 17.3 Counting ?

13  Math 089 (90 & 91) is Computer Mediated and can be accessed through the Internet.  Password required  accessible in all University Labs  Start/Workspace/Coursework/AcademicOnline  Instruction in small groups  Math 090 091 The text book  On-line testing Computer Software

14  Teaching Mathematics at the College Level  Video  class visits  mock lectures  Required to teach at Math at CSLA without the Master’s  In addition to Math 398-Supervision Math 495 - 2 Units

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