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Arterial spin labeling

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1 Arterial spin labeling
Edith Liemburg Ze Wang et al., 2008

2 Introduction to ASL PET-like for direct CBF measurement
Measurement of slow neural changes Absolute quantification of blood flow

3 Principle of ASL 1. Tag inflowing arterial blood by magnetic inversion
2.  Acquire the tag image 3. Repeat experiment without tag 4.  Acquire the control image

4 Image subtraction - - - -

5 Terms: CASL: continious arterial spin labeling
PASL: pulsed arterial spin labeling

6 ASL vs BOLD ASL Less slow drifts Changes localized in cappilaries
Reduced inter-subject variability Better functional localization BOLD Short TR Many thin slices Higher intrinsic SNR

7 Introduction: ASL analysis
Low intrinsic SNR: signal only 1 – 5% of mean MR signal intensity CBF calculation  intesity difference Critical preprocessing steps: (Bit resolution) Motion correction Spatial smoothing & normalization Global spike elimination Measure of global signal as covariate

8 ASL-toolbox Ze Wang et al.
Raw image to CBF conversion 3 methods of calculation Simple subtraction Zinc subtraction Surround subtraction Also unscaled (perf) and pseudo-BOLD images

9 Material and Methods Visual stimuli and finger tapping task in blockdesign (n = 10) CASL: 64 x 64 x 12 voxels (slice 6 mm), TR = 3, labelling 1.6 s, delay 800 ms Pseudo-CASL sequence CBF calibration: f = CBF, ΔM = control – label signal, R1a = longitudinal relaxation rate of blood (R1a=0.67 s−1), τ = labeling time (1.6 s), ω = delay time (0.8 s), α = labeling efficiency (0.68), λ = blood/tissue water partition coefficient (0.9 g/mL) & M0 ~ control image intensity

10 Motion correction Signal intensity difference  motion
Seperate realignment vs combined: PCASL or background suppression

11 Smoothing & normalization
Smoothing before CBF calcutation  increased SNR & outlier reduction Normalization after CBF calculation & first level  before minor signal changes & incorrect time lag estimation (reslicing)

12 Spike elimination Combined realignment  average & substraction of motion paramaters of adjecent control & label images Criteria: averaged translation or rotation > 3 mm/o, subtracted translation or rotation > 0.8 mm/o, global CBF + 3 standard deviations

13 Statistical analysis Simple subtraction increases peak t-value in visual cortex Including the global signal increases peak t-value & cluster size

14 Proposed preprocessing steps
Realignment: seperate for control & label Coregistration: labelled to control Smoothing Exclude extracranial voxels (brain mask) CBF calculation: simple subtraction First level analysis: global CBF as covariate (no explicit masking, no high-pass filter, no HRF) Masking: from mean CBF image Global spike elimination: according to criteria Coregistration: mean control to anatomy, con as other Normalization: anatomy to template Second level

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