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GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review – December 15, 2003 GLAST Large Area Telescope: Performance & Safety Assurance Darren Marsh SLAC Performance & Safety.

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Presentation on theme: "GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review – December 15, 2003 GLAST Large Area Telescope: Performance & Safety Assurance Darren Marsh SLAC Performance & Safety."— Presentation transcript:

1 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review – December 15, 2003 GLAST Large Area Telescope: Performance & Safety Assurance Darren Marsh SLAC Performance & Safety Assurance Manager Marsh@SLAC.Stanford.Edu 650-926-4577 Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope

2 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review – December 15, 2003 Outline  Manpower Update  Significant Accomplishments  Nonconformance Report Summary  Issues and Concerns  Three Month Milestones  Cost Variance Analysis

3 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review – December 15, 2003 Manpower Update Quality Engineering –Two senior level Quality Engineers on board –One additional Quality Engineer should start 1/5/04 Source Inspection Support –In process of securing source inspection support for Tracker MCM production activities at Teledyne Electronic Technologies in Los Angeles –Anticipate start date of 1/26/04 EEE Parts Assurance Support –Request for proposal should be issued from SLAC Purchasing by 12/19/03 Quality Inspection Support –Plans in place for acquisition of two quality inspectors Staggered start dates – One to start end of January 2004 and another to start in April 2004

4 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review – December 15, 2003 Significant Accomplishments Validation of Lockheed-Martin inertial welding processes for heat pipes –Weld process is qualified by burst pressure testing, leak rate measurement and metallography of welded samples of each configuration –Each flight weld is pressure tested and leak tested to meet acceptance requirements –Will respond to open RFA with this new information Aluminum Grid manufacturing support –Prepared Readiness Review (MRR) presentation Summarizes QA efforts to date and defines quality plan for final grid manufacturing Addresses plan for quality surveys and process approval of plating vendors, witnessing/documenting special processes, etc. –Witnessed and documented rough machined grid heat treatment, straightening and flatness inspection and verified acceptable strength of test coupons –Reviewed and approved grid drawing and Tapemation Statement of Work Reviewed tray drawings and Tray Panel Assembly Procedure and provided comments

5 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review – December 15, 2003 Significant Accomplishments (Con’t.) Quality System Development –Developed Supplier Quality Assurance Requirements (SQAR) document, LAT-TD-02635, as flow down requirements for LAT flight hardware suppliers –Implemented flight hardware receiving process to ensure all flight hardware is delivered to Building 33 (LAT Receiving) for proper control and incoming inspection –Developing Bonded Stores processes for receipt, storage and inventory control of flight hardware –Secured various inspection equipment for cleanroom and bonded stores in Building 33 –Generated draft Incoming Receiving Inspection Criteria Document for flight hardware receivables –Created QA Bond Area for segregating discrepant flight hardware –Issued QA Acceptance/Rejection Stamps to QA personnel and instituted process for control of stamps

6 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review – December 15, 2003 Closed Nonconformance Reports NCR No.Open DateDescription of Non-ConformanceSummary of DispositionClose Date 1.178/1/03Non-approved epoxy used on Omnetic connectors Vendor remade connectors using approved epoxy 10/22/03 2.198/7/03Tracker Bias Circuit design violates IPC- 2221, Electrical Clearance NCR was written in error due misinterpretation of requirement 9/25/03 3.269/22/03Material Certification not received for Grid aluminum billet Certification was received from Alcoa and reviewed and approved 10/1/03 4.3110/14/03Rough machines grid is only flat to.5”. Needs to be flat to.25” Grid was annealed, straightened, solution heat treated, and aged. Dimensional and strength requirement were met. 11/22/03 5.3310/24/03Communication from one GTRC chip to the next does not work properly at design frequency of 20 MHz New GTRC flight design submitted11/24/03 6.3411/1/03Two PWBs rejected by supplier were commingled with flight units PWBs were clearly marked solder samples and were not defective 11/6/03 7.3511/1/03One PWB rejected by supplier was commingled with flight units PWB was clearly marked solder sample and was not defective 11/6/03 8.3710/23/03Deformations on aluminum rollInadequate packaging at SLAC prior to shipment to Italy 11/19/03

7 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review – December 15, 2003 Open Nonconformance Reports NCR No.Open DateDescription of Non-ConformanceCommentsClose Date 1.2910/2/03Tracker MCMs using nano-connectors with qualification testing not complete Parts have passed visual. Contact resistance, thermal cycling. Shock/vibration testing starting 12/12 2.3210/23/03Tracker Tray Honeycomb material has various visual imperfections Inspection report for entire lot received 12/11 3.3912/1/03DAQ PDU PMOS FET – SEM Inspection of wafer lot revealed worst case metallization of oxide step not meeting requirement Waiver request submitted to LAT PCB for review 4.3811/26/03dc/dc regulators were inadvertently opened without using ESD precautions and in an uncontrolled environment LAT PCB will be performing additional analysis and evaluation of suspect parts 5.4012/4/03Anomalous behavior was detected during the full-level lateral random vibration of Tracker EM Tower Cause understood. Design modifications are currently underway.

8 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review – December 15, 2003 Non-Conformance Reporting Activities Additional detail will be provided on NCR metrics as NCR population increases NCR information is being reported to GSFC GLAST Project Office Mission Assurance personnel LAT personnel have requested the ability to view NCR information on real-time basis –Efforts are underway to develop this capability Current list of open and closed NCRs does not include ACD and Calorimeter Subsystems –Request was made to Calorimeter Subsystem Manager to submit NCRs to LAT QA –GSFC is trying to provide LAT QA Manager access GSFC NCR system

9 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review – December 15, 2003 Issues/Concerns Open RFA on inertia welding process for heat pipes at Lockheed Martin –Previous response to RFA not accepted because limited details of Lockheed Martin’s process were submitted –Details of weld process qualification testing and in-process acceptance testing all flight welds have been summarized and will be submitted to GSFC to address this RFA Tracker Panel Assembly Procedure, LAT-PS-01584, does not adequately specify or detail all important aspects of tray assembly performed at Plyform –LAT QA will have to work with INFN to better define these requirements –LAT QA representative has been tied up with Tracker EM environmental test activities –Plyform process control documentation and activities need to be discussed

10 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review – December 15, 2003 Issues/Concern LAT Electronics SLAC built thermal/vacuum chamber –Thermal controller uses silicone fluid to heat/cool test stage inside the chamber. Current chamber set-up in Building 40 shows significant contamination of thermal controller surfaces and test area floor with this fluid. There is a high risk of contaminating Building 33 cleanroom and flight hardware with this fluid. –Plan needs to be developed for using and installing this T/V chamber in Building 33. Backlog of flight EEE parts that require incoming inspection –Some components utilized for MCM fabrication were dropped shipped to Teledyne Need to ensure incoming inspection of parts will be performed prior to start of flight production –Several shipments of EEE flight parts received in Building 33 have yet to be accepted by LAT QA

11 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review – December 15, 2003 Three-Month Milestones Complete additional source inspection of Lockheed Martin composite panel and heat pipe manufacturing areas – January 16, 2004 Formalize MRB procedure – January 2004 Complete Work Order requirements document and brief affected LAT personnel – January 31, 2004 Initiate Change Request for additional Quality Assurance Manpower – January 31, 2004 Source inspector on board at Teledyne – January 2004 Close out GSFC RFA on LM inertial weld process control issue – January 2004 Perform vendor survey and approve processes and quality systems of plating vendors – February 2004 Review quality system and production activities and perform source inspections related to the fabrication of Tracker bottom tray close- outs at Composites Optics – Through February 2004

12 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review – December 15, 2003 Three Month Milestones (Con’t) Finalize and release incoming receiving inspection document – February 13, 2004 Develop records retention and traceability process for supplier quality documentation – February 2004\ Perform vendor surveys of Electronic Subsystem assembly houses – March 2004

13 GLAST LAT ProjectMonthly Status Review – December 15, 2003 Cost Variance Analysis Cumulative CV = $290K –Management (CV = $47K) Labor & travel costs lower than plan –Quality Assurance (CV = $164K) $146K of variance due to delayed Stanford processing of subcontractor invoices. Actual expenditures in line with planning –Training (CV = $2K) –Systems Safety (CV = $0K) –EEE Parts Control Program (CV = $81K) Change request processed in November which transfers this back to Project Contingency

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