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1. Patterns of growth & their regulation. 2. Atrophy.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Patterns of growth & their regulation. 2. Atrophy."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Patterns of growth & their regulation

2 2. Atrophy

3 3. Metaplasia & dysplasia

4 4. Dysplasia, neoplasia - pleiomorphism

5 5. Regulators of cell growth

6 6. Normal (regulated) growth vs. autonomous tumor growth

7 7. Comparison of benign vs. malignant neoplasms

8 8. Invasiveness of a malignant growth

9 9. Characteristics of benign vs. malignant tumors

10 10. Tumor cell mobility facilitates invasiveness

11 11. Invasiveness finds path of least resistance

12 12. Abnormal angiogenesis in tumor growth

13 13. Generation time vs. doubling time

14 14. Embolization & metastasis

15 15. Probable pathways for metastasis

16 16. Metastasis via lymphatics

17 17. Establishment of secondary growth

18 18. Obstructive effect of tumor

19 19. Adhesions result from neoplasia

20 20. Tumor impairment of marrow function

21 21. Summary of tumor effects

22 22. Oncogenes render cells vulnerable to transformation

23 23. Initiation steps must precede promotion steps

24 24. Damaged DNA – an initiation step

25 25. Carcinogenic agents

26 26. Tumor staging

27 27. Effects of chemotherapy

28 28. Immunotherapy

29 29. Factors interfering with immunotherapy

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