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Outline Force, vectors Units Normal, shear components Pressure

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Presentation on theme: "Outline Force, vectors Units Normal, shear components Pressure"— Presentation transcript:

1 Outline Force, vectors Units Normal, shear components Pressure
Lithostatic Stress Stress Tensor Resolving stress on a plane

2 Dynamic Analysis Stress

3 Force is mass * acceleration
Units? kg m/s2=Newton Mass is in kg “weight” is your force on Earth (mass * g)

4 Force is a vector y x Normal F Fy= F . SinA A Fx= F . CosA Shear

5 Does applied force alone control deformation?
Land’O Lakes

6 Stress Stress = force / area Units = Pascals = mass * acceleration
= N/m2 =kg/(m . s2)

7 How much is 1 Pascal? 1 Pa= 0.00014 psi Car tire ~200,000 Pa
1 Megapascal (1 Mpa) = 1 million Pa

8 Normal and shear components

9 Stress Components sxx szz sxz szx z x

10 Principal Stress Components
You always can find an orientation of the reference cube where there won’t be any resolved shear stresses s1 s3 Most compressive Least compressive z x

11 Magnitude of Normal and Shear Stresses

12 In Lithostatic Stress, 1=2=3
Similar to hydrostatic pressure P =  g h Units are in MPa Be sure to work in meters 1 g/cm3 = 1000 kg/m3


14 Mohr Circle of Stress Mohr Circle of Stress
sn= ½ (s1 + s3) + ½(s1- s3) cos 2Q ss= ½(s1- s3) sin 2Q Mean Stress Deviatoric Stress

15 Common States of Stress
Triaxial Biaxial Hydrostatic Uniaxial


17 World Stress Map World Stress


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