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Two JISC-funded projects at Hull both using Fedora  RepoMMan (2005-2007)  Using a repository as part of a personal workflow  REMAP (2007-2009)  ‘Intelligent’

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2 Two JISC-funded projects at Hull both using Fedora  RepoMMan (2005-2007)  Using a repository as part of a personal workflow  REMAP (2007-2009)  ‘Intelligent’ objects: records management and preservation

3  Alongside RepoMMan and REMAP, the eDocs (beta) repository emerged - using Muradora:

4  Presentation at the OR08 Fedora days (3 rd & 4 th April ‘08) about RepoMMan, REMAP and eDocs  Hurried conversation afterwards with Thornton Staples (Fedora Commons) that “we need to talk!”  Slightly longer conversation about the need for a dissertation repository at the University of Virginia and the idea of using some of the RepoMMan/REMAP work.

5  Meeting in Charlottesville, VA September ’08  Fedora Commons  Stanford University  University of Hull  University of Virginia  Agreement to work together to produce an end- to-end, flexible, extensible, Fedora application kit  a ‘Lego’ set of services and templates

6  Further meetings in October and December  Decisions – amongst which:  Open source  Use Muradora as a starting point for a functionality specification  Use ActiveFedora (Ruby) as the basis of the browser client ▪ This brings in Matt Zumwalt and Mediashelf LLC  Use Fedora & ActiveFedora support for content models  Abstract the client from the repository (dissemination)  Use UVA’s ‘Blacklight’ search engine  Complex and compound objects; multiple set membership  OAI-PMH support native  Three year project but with a usable intermediate product for the partners for 2009/10 academic year

7  9/1/09 - First specification  30/1/09 - Mock-up  31/3/09 - Prototype  Fedora 3.1 Hydra client  creation, editing, admin, access support  management of sets (collections) and display  rich search (Blacklight)  quick and dirty authZ (temporary Ruby solution)  support for ETDs but not just that  must create sustainable objects

8  Easter 2009  ‘Go/no-go?’ decision for UVa & Stanford  ‘Adopt?’ (and ‘adapt’) decision for Hull  July 2009  Production-ready system for partners that matches or exceeds functionality and security available in Muradora

9  2009-2011  Configurable, end-to-end workflows  Personal repository space ▪ support for versioning with rollback ▪ support for sharing/co-ownership ▪ support for multiple, simultaneous publish ▪ support for multiple user profiles (the same person can be involved in multiple roles, multiple projects, multiple…) and proxies  2011  ‘Out of the box’ Hydra (better name?) available to Fedora community

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