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Marco PoloBothIbn Battuta. Ibn Battuta & Marco Polo.

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Presentation on theme: "Marco PoloBothIbn Battuta. Ibn Battuta & Marco Polo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marco PoloBothIbn Battuta

2 Ibn Battuta & Marco Polo

3 Marco Polo’s travels Ibn Battuta’s travels

4 II. Marco Polo: Venetian trader who traveled by caravan on the Silk Roads

5 15,000 miles of travel

6 1. 1275 – Marco Polo arrived in Kublai’s court and served him for 17 years

7 2. Polo returned to Venice and was imprisoned during a war with a neighboring city

8 3. In prison, Polo told about his travels to the exotic East and his stories were gathered in a book by a fellow prisoner.

9 Ibn Battuta

10 Ibn Battuta was an African Muslim.

11 At age 20, Ibn Battuta decided to go on his Hajj to Mecca.

12 Traveled 75,000 miles over 29 years and visited over 44 countries.

13 Marco Polo’s travels Ibn Battuta’s travels

14 He was robbed by bandits.

15 He almost drowned in a shipwreck.

16 He was almost beheaded by a sultan.

17 He had a few marriages and fathered several children on his travels!

18 As he returned home he came upon the Black Death

19 Visited Timbuktu

20 1354 - Ibn Battuta dictated his memories to court poet Ibn Juzayy

21 Marco Polo’s travels Ibn Battuta’s travels


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