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Executive Branch Judicial Branch Dates + Years #’s Legislative Branch 50 40 30 20 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50.

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2 Executive Branch Judicial Branch Dates + Years #’s Legislative Branch 50 40 30 20 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50

3 Legislative Branch– 10 Points “Chamber of Congress where Revenue raising bills must originate”

4 Legislative Branch– 20 Points “Except in the cases of treason or suspected felony, Congressmen have this privilege during attendance of Congressional sessions including the drive to the session”

5 Legislative Branch– 30 Points “According to the Constitution, how many times is Congress required to meet in one year?”

6 Legislative Branch– 40 Points “There must be a _____, or majority of each house of Congress present in order to conduct business”

7 Legislative Branch– 50 Points “In cases of impeachment, it takes 2/3 of this Congressional body to convict and remove an official”

8 #’s – 10 Points “The U.S. President serves ___ year terms and can serve up to ___ terms.

9 #’s – 20 Points “The maximum amount of years the U.S. President can serve consecutively under the Constitution is ____ years”

10 Insert Text for Question #’s – 30 Points “# of witnesses needed for a person to be convicted of treason”

11 #’s – 40 Points “To serve in the House of Rep.s you must have been living in the U.S. for 7 years and be at least ____ years old while you need to have lived in the U.S. for 9 years and be ____ years old to serve in Senate.

12 #’s – 50 Points “This # (in fraction form) of state governments must approve any new amendment to the Constitution”

13 Dates and Years– 10 Points “Year the Constitution was signed”

14 Dates and Years– 20 Points “Term length of SC justices”

15 Dates and Years– 30 Points “# of amendments repealed by later amendments”

16 Dates and Years– 40 Points “Legal age to vote in US”

17 Dates and Years– 50 Points “Month + day the President + Vps term officially begins”

18 Judicial– 10 Points “The 6 th amendment states that every American is entitled to this if they are accused of a crime”

19 Judicial– 20 Points “# of S.C. justices”

20 Judicial– 30 Points “Title for the head of the Supreme Court (currently John Roberts)”

21 Judicial– 40 Points “This is how S.C. justices get their job…”

22 Judicial– 50 Points “This was the landmark case that established the precedent of Judicial Review and increased power and role of S.C. up until today”

23 Misc.– 10 Points “When an accused person is standing on trial and refuses to answer incriminating questions from opposing lawyer he is exercising this amendment”

24 Misc.– 20 Points Amendment outlawing slavery

25 Misc.– 30 Points “Senators serve a ____ year term while House Reps serve a ___ year term”

26 Misc. – 40 Points “Eminent Domain” is the term for meaning the Govt. can take private property for public use as long as they provide “just compensation” and is mentioned in this amendment…”

27 Misc.– 50 Points Amendment that provided suffrage to African Americans

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