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1302383 Web Programming Introduction to Web Technology HTML & Dynamic web content.

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Presentation on theme: "1302383 Web Programming Introduction to Web Technology HTML & Dynamic web content."— Presentation transcript:

1 1302383 Web Programming Introduction to Web Technology HTML & Dynamic web content

2 :::Web Browser  PC Browser  IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari  Mobile Browser (  Tablet PC

3 :::Web Server  Apache (Open Source) – PHP, Perl  IIS (Microsoft) – ASP, ASP.NET  Tomcat (Open Source) – Servlet, JSP

4 ::WWW Architecture Web Programming




8 :::Client Side Script VB Script (.vbs) – Microsoft Technology – Use VB Engine – Look like VB Java Script (.js) – Netscape Technology – When run on IE we call “Jscript” – Look like Java AJAX – JAVA Script + XML to call Server side technology Web Programming

9 ::Server Side Script Perl, PHP (Open Source on Linux & Windows) – Perl -> CGI Script – PHP -> Insert tag in html ASP/ASP.NET (Microsoft only Windows) – ASP -> use VB Script – ASP.NET -> use VB.NET or C#.NET Servlet, JSP (SUN opensource cross platform) – Servlet -> Java Class that printout HTML tag – JSP -> Insert tag in html Web Programming


11 ::Java Server Page (JSP)  Create HTML by using Web Design tools.  Save as HTML to.jsp  Insert tag for jsp code (Java code)  Deploy.jsp file to server.  Open file as html.jsp will be convert to and compiled to servlet class.  Compiled servlet run on server side. Web Programming

12 :::JSP Code Web Programming Hello Test

13 :::JSP Code Web Programming Hello Test

14 :HTML Syntax title text HELLO WORLD Web Programming

15 ::HTML component  Tag  Start tag ->  End tag ->  Empty tag ->  Attribute   Entity  &, >, <, Web Programming

16 :Table – R1C1 R1C2 – R2C1 R2C2 – Web Programming

17 Table Attribute Border ______________ Cellsspacing ____________ Cellpadding ____________ Align ______________ Width ______________ Height ______________ Bgcolor _______________ Background _____________ Web Programming

18 :Link  In Page link  for create bookmark  for link to bookmark  Internal Link (in same host)   External link (to other hosts)  Web Programming

19 ::Link target  _blank  New window for represent link result  _parent  Normally use for frame show in parent window  _self  Show in current page  _top  Same as _parent Web Programming


21 :Frame Web Programming

22 :Layout your webpage  Using  Using no border  Using Layer,  On Netscape use  On IE and other use Web Programming

23 ::Frame Design Web Programming Top.htm (Header) m (menu) Main.htm (body)

24 :Form in Web Programming Login.jsp Submit form

25 ::Form Attribute ….. Name – Name of form Action – Target script when submitted form Method – GET, POST Web Programming

26 :Form elements  for input data  Type: text, password, hidden, checkbox, radio, image, file,  for input multiple line data  for list or dropdown list  for item in list   Type: submit, reset, button Web Programming




30 Assignment Web Programming

31 Q & A Web Programming 01 - 31/35

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