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Unit 3 Topic 3 What would you like to drink? Section C 河南省潢川县启明中学 汪琼.

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2 Unit 3 Topic 3 What would you like to drink? Section C 河南省潢川县启明中学 汪琼

3 Sing a song. (录音 P76-4b )录音 P76-4b A, A, A. Go and ____. E, E, E. Come with ___. I, I, I. Don’t be ___. O, O, O. Let us ___. U, U, U. You look ___. shy, play, cute, go, me play me shy go cute

4 (录音 P72-4a )录音 P72-4a

5 a a i a a y a i a a raa r e r

6 May I take your order, sir? May I help you, sir? 两人一组自编自演在餐馆就餐的情景。 What would you like to eat?


8 What would you like for breakfast? I 'd like milk and bread for breakfast.

9 What would you like for lunch? I 'd like fish and rice for lunch.

10 What would you like for dinner? I 'd like chicken and jiaozi for dinner.

11 What would you like to have for lunch?... Where do you often have dinner?... Do you often eat out?... Why not eat out? / What about eating out?... OK. Let's eat out for dinner.

12 What about …? =How about …? …… 怎么样 ? 用来询问情况或提出建议。 如: What/How about that skirt? What/How about having a picnic this Sunday? Why not +动词原形 … ? 为什么不 …… ? 用来向对方提供建议。 如: Why not buy this coat? Why not have some fish or eggs?

13 ( 视频 P75-1a) 视频 P75-1a 1.The two men want to have dinner in a restaurant. ( ) 2.The man in green doesn’t like fish or eggs. ( ) 3.They want something to drink. ( ) T F F

14 Would you like to … ? May I help you? What would you like to eat? Why not …? Help yourself to …

15 ( ) Here you are. ( 1 ) May I help you, sir? ( ) Ok. 16 yuan, please. ( ) Yes,two hamburgers, please. ( ) No, thanks. ( ) Two hamburgers. Would you like something to drink? 2 3 4 5 6 Put the following sentences in the correct order. Then practice with your partner.

16 一个学生扮演售货员,另一 个学生扮演顾客,表演购买 3 个汉堡的过程。

17 Choose the correct answer(s) for each question. 1. May I take your order? 2. What do you have for breakfast? 3. Would you like to have dinner with me? 4. Would you like some jiaozi? 5. Why not have some fish and eggs? 6. What would you like to drink? 7. What about some vegetables? a. A glass of apple juice, please. b. Good idea. I like vegetables very much. c. Rice and fish, please. d. I often have bread and milk for breakfast. e. No, thanks. I'd like some rice. f. Good idea. g. Yes, I'd like to. 1. a, c2. d3. f, g4. e, f5. e, f6. a7. b, e, f

18 7 人一组,每人分发一张纸条, 要求在纸条上分别写一个句子, 然后各人拿着句子找朋友,组成 对话 ( 按课本 3 结对 ) 。

19 邀请你的一位朋友去餐馆就餐(可把课桌当饭 桌)。整个过程分三步: ( 1 )首先邀请别人吃饭; ( 2 )到餐馆后点菜; ( 3 )吃饭的过程。 运用以下句型表演: Would you like to have... with me? May I take your order / May I help you? What would you like to eat/have? Why not...? / What about...? Would you like something to drink/eat/have?

20 My name is Huang Ying. My favorite food is _____. I like _______ and ___________ very much. I like ______. I like _____________ and ________ a little. I don't like __________. I don’t like ________ at all. chickenriceorange juice apple juice milk bananas fishhamburgers Look at the pictures and complete the passage.

21 My name is... I like... a little. I like... a lot/very much. I don't like... at all. 要求学生讨论各自喜欢的食物和不喜欢 的食物,然后选一名学生介绍自己对这 些食物的喜欢程度。 可用以下句型:

22 ☆ May I help you? ☆ Help yourself to … ☆ Why not have …? ☆ Would you like something to eat/drink? ☆ No, thanks.

23 1. 模仿 1a 的对话,自编自演 在外就餐的新对话。 2. 预习 Section D 的生词。


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