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Past Simple Простое прошедшее время. Past Simple V-ed, V 2 I watch TV every evening. (Present Simple) I watched TV yesterday. (Past Simple) Очень часто.

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Presentation on theme: "Past Simple Простое прошедшее время. Past Simple V-ed, V 2 I watch TV every evening. (Present Simple) I watched TV yesterday. (Past Simple) Очень часто."— Presentation transcript:

1 Past Simple Простое прошедшее время

2 Past Simple V-ed, V 2 I watch TV every evening. (Present Simple) I watched TV yesterday. (Past Simple) Очень часто мы употребляем Past Simple c такими словами и фразами, как: yesterday, last night, last week (month,year), last summer (autumn, winter, spring), two weeks (months,years) ago, in 1994

3 Как задать вопросы в Past Simple ? Когда мы задаем вопросы,уточняя события которые произошли в прошлом, используем вспомогательный глагол Did Did I water the flowers yesterday ?

4 Как образовать отрицательную форму в Past Simple ? В отрицательных предложениях Did с отрицанием not ставится после подлежащего, затем следует основной глагол в I форме I did not (didn’t) watch TV yesterday.

5 Regular verbs [t] worked danced stopped [d] played cleaned lived [id] started visited added

6 [t][d][id] cooked, closed, painted, smiled, walked, tried, collected, opened, skated, jumped, rained, invited, finished, talked, wanted, snowed, watched, added

7 [t][d][id] cooked walked jumped finished talked watched closed smiled tried opened rained snowed painted collected skated invited wanted added Check yourself

8 I saw many old things. We played tennis yesterday. Adam bought a new bike. Helen cooked a sandwich. They are watching TV. I swim well.

9 Irregular verbs buy-bought (покупать) eat-ate (есть) go-went (ходить) hear-heard (слышать) learn-learnt (учить) make-made (делать) see-saw (видеть) think-thought (думать) wear-wore (носить одежду) write-wrote (писать)

10 Past Simple + They bought a bike yesterday. -They didn’t buy a bike yesterday. Общий вопрос ? Did they buy a bike yesterday? Yes, they did (No, they didn’t) Специальный вопрос When did they buy a bike? Вопрос к подлежащему Who bought a bike yesterday?

11 Hello! My name’s Adam. Yesterday I (go) to the museum with my friends. We (see) many dinosaur models. Tom (buy) one model. After the museum we (go) the café and (eat) some sadwiches. I (write) an e-mail to my cousin and (talk) him about out trip.

12 What did you do yesterday? (Your sentence can be positive or negative) TV 2.have a shower a book 4.speak English meat computer games in the garden 8.drink apple juice 9.sleep in the afternoon 10.come home late

13 to be (Past Simple) was (ед.ч) were (мн.ч) Ann was at school yesterday. My grandparents were doctors. + John was ill last week. -John wasn’t ill last month. ? Was John ill last week? Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t. When was John ill? Who was ill last week?

14 Употребите глагол to be в Past Simple 1.My mother is at home. 2.His parents are in the kitchen now. 3.I am at school now. 4.Ann and Kate are students. 5.Tom is happy now. 6.We are at the cinema. 7.She is a doctor. 8.They are in London. 9.Tim is always friendly. 10.I am interested in History.


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