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Pogamut 2 Platform for fast development of cognitive agents inside 3D environment Creating javabot project / pitfalls Startup/running/shutdown sequence.

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Presentation on theme: "Pogamut 2 Platform for fast development of cognitive agents inside 3D environment Creating javabot project / pitfalls Startup/running/shutdown sequence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pogamut 2 Platform for fast development of cognitive agents inside 3D environment Creating javabot project / pitfalls Startup/running/shutdown sequence and it’s methods Followbot + logs Faculty of mathematics and physics Charles University at Prague 26 th March 2008

2 Architecture review Simulates the world Exports information Translating text messages to java objects Model of the agent

3 Creating new javabot project 1/3

4 Creating new javabot project 2/3 P. name =will become=> package name P. location – Pogamut 2 platform folder (set via Menu/Tools/Options) P. folder – guess what ;-) Checkbox – simple view, can be switched off later on

5 Creating new javabot project 3/3 Created project… … notice the imported library PogamutCore.jar

6 Javabot project pitfalls 1/2 Renaming agent base class (Main)  can be done, but you have to change as well  can be found in window Files

7 Javabot project pitfalls 2/2 Main method must be present in agent base class  otherwise NB won’t recognize it as a runnable file

8 Sequences and methods 1/2 Few methods 1) prePrepareAgent()  before GB communication 2) postPrepareAgent()  after GB communication 3) doLogic()  iteratively called 4) shutdownAgent()  at the end (exception)

9 Sequences and methods 2/2 prePrepareAgent() postPrepareAgent() doLogic() shutdownAgent()

10 Player memory.getSeePlayer()  returns a PLR wrapper body.runToTarget(Player player)  sends a RUNTO command body.turnHorizontal(int degrees)  sends a TURN command FollowBot 1/6

11 FollowBot 2/6 NullPointerException is around the corner… … logic and GB message receiver are in different threads.

12 FollowBot 3/6 Better… … but what to do if the bot is facing the wall from the beginning ?

13 FollowBot 4/6 Better… … but shouldn’t the bot seek the player on itself? … what if the bot lose the player?

14 FollowBot 5/6 Introducing user log, levels… object log.finest() /.finer() /.fine() /.info() /.warning() /.severe()

15 FollowBot 6/6 … TODO … but shouldn’t the bot seek the player on itself? memory.getSeeNavPoint() memory.getSeeNavPoints() … what if the bot lose the player? remember last player position, try to run there and turn around

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