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ASPIRE Identifying Future Educational Leaders. Group Four Members Scott Ballantyne Kelly Barton Kent Chrisman Erin Connolly Joseph Hood Rich Hug Mary.

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Presentation on theme: "ASPIRE Identifying Future Educational Leaders. Group Four Members Scott Ballantyne Kelly Barton Kent Chrisman Erin Connolly Joseph Hood Rich Hug Mary."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASPIRE Identifying Future Educational Leaders

2 Group Four Members Scott Ballantyne Kelly Barton Kent Chrisman Erin Connolly Joseph Hood Rich Hug Mary Kropiewnicki Andrea Malmont

3 This Proposal will address the need to: Ensure the availability of effective school leaders at the P-12 level

4 Environment The challenges facing education demand qualified, inspired leadership The pool of committed candidates needs to be expanded to meet this need Obstacles to identifying and advancing good educational leaders must be removed

5 The Elements of Effective Educational Leadership? Curriculum and Instruction Student Assessment/Achievement Family/Parental Involvement Personnel Management Resource Management Specialized Skills (Technology, Special Education, etc)

6 Obstacles to Retention Certification Requirements Lack of Status Comparatively Low Salary Compared to Industry Insufficient Mentoring Meager Support

7 Challenges Leadership vs. Management Quality of Life Mandates Litigious Nature (Entitlement) Perception of Administration

8 Emergent Leaders P.G. Northouse, Leadership Theory and Practice, 2004 While some grow and support prospective educational leaders, we propose a program to remove the obstacles to recruitment to identify and start future administrators on the path to school and district leadership

9 Existing Leadership Programs Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership (PIL) Leadership and Excellence for Administrators in Pennsylvania Schools (LEAPS) Local and Regional Leadership Programs

10 ASPIRE Identifying and Supporting Pennsylvania’s Future Educational Leadership Introducing…

11 Step Up to Leadership SUPPORT (PIL) GROW (PIL), LEAPS ASPIRE

12 ASPIRE would concentrate its services at the DISTRICT LEVEL assisting them in reaching the following goals

13 Program Goals Identify Prospective Leaders

14 Program Goals Provide In-District Resources to Assist Educators in Their Decision to Take on Leadership Roles

15 Program Goals Mentor and Monitor Certification Process

16 Program Goals Improve Administrator Status and Quality of Life

17 Program Goals Develop and Implement Effective Mentoring and Internship Programs

18 Program Goals Guide Qualified Candidates to Employment in Administrative Positions

19 ASPIRE Would… Enlarge the pool of qualified, committed educational professionals who have the data necessary to make informed career decisions

20 ASPIRE Would… Equip district decision makers with strategies to enhance the status of administrators and improve their quality of life

21 ASPIRE Would… Enhance the value and impact of building and district leaders

22 ASPIRE Would… Close the support gap between educators who are not yet committed to becoming administrators and other programs which support committed educational professionals

23 ASPIRE Would… Create a foundation for advocacy to… – Ensure the availability of strong administrator and leadership programs – Support legislation that improves the quality of life for administrators …by providing data and resources to the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Legislature

24 ASPIRE Would… Celebrate the important role administrators have to play in the education of students

25 Evaluation An increased pool of qualified, effective educational leaders placed in positions which positively impact student achievement The establishment of district level programs which identify talented professionals for leadership roles

26 Our children deserve the very best we can give… ASPIRE Questions, Reactions?

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