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Technology and My Health. I can… I can tell one way that technology can help my health, and one way it could hurt my health.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology and My Health. I can… I can tell one way that technology can help my health, and one way it could hurt my health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology and My Health

2 I can… I can tell one way that technology can help my health, and one way it could hurt my health

3 Technology Technology is used to assist us in various tasks throughout the day Technology includes devices such smart phones, iPads, SMART Boards, and computers which help us to communicate with one another to solve problems. Apps are used to make countless tasks simpler.

4 How Can Technology Hurt My Health Many technologies help us but some are not good for our health and fitness. T.V.- Fast food advertisements and shows that keep you sitting down on the couch instead of up and moving. Cell Phones/Ipad- Distracts us from being active. A game such as Angry Birds does not help our fitness because we are not working out our muscles or heart. The same goes for many websites, and computer and video games.

5 How Can Technology Help My Health Sometimes the apps we use or the shows we watch can benefit our health T.V.- Commercials for healthy foods. Programs that demonstrate exercise and healthy habits. Cell Phones/Ipad- Apps such as My Fitness Pal and Couch to 5K. IPod/ Mp3- Music can be great when working out or to encourage you to dance.

6 Healthy Examples Babybel Commercial- Michelle Obama- Give Me Five- you-learned-gimmefive-dance you-learned-gimmefive-dance

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