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Digest Topic & Key Number Searching in Westlaw. Digest Topic & Key Number Searching Digest topics and key numbers are located in the Digest field – you.

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Presentation on theme: "Digest Topic & Key Number Searching in Westlaw. Digest Topic & Key Number Searching Digest topics and key numbers are located in the Digest field – you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digest Topic & Key Number Searching in Westlaw

2 Digest Topic & Key Number Searching Digest topics and key numbers are located in the Digest field – you are searching a field when conducting this type of search

3 Digest Topic & Key Number Searching Two ways to conduct such a search: By using the KeySearch command, if you do not know the digest topic number and key number By using the Key Numbers & Digest function

4 KeySearch The next few slides show you how to use KeySearch. First click onto the KeySearch link...


6 KeySearch The page then looks like this...


8 KeySearch Then type in search terms in the search box and click onto GO...


10 KeySearch... so if we ran a search for alien discrimination in housing, the subsequent page looks like this...


12 KeySearch Click onto the word to the far-right in our entry to get the search screen...


14 KeySearch... and then here’s what the subsequent screen looks like...


16 KeySearch Just choose your jurisdiction(s) and click onto Search. I’ll search California state court cases (with headnotes). Doing so will retrieve all headnotes from all California state court cases that contains our exact Digest Topic & Key Number that we searched for....

17 1.Choose Jurisdiction(s) 2.Add search terms (optional) 3.Click onto “Search”

18 KeySearch Now you get the same retrieved document page that you’re used to. Our search netted only1 headnote...


20 Key Numbers & Digest The next few slides show you how to use the Key Numbers & Digest function. First click onto Keysearch at the top of the page.



23 Then click on West Key Number System on the left side of the screen.



26 Key Numbers & Digest Now you have two options. First, if you know your digest topic number and key number, enter it into the search box in the lower, right corner of your screen and click onto GO.

27 Key Numbers & Digest For instance, I want to search for California cases concerning when a personnel manual modifies an at will contract. Prior research in Illinois cases showed me that the digest topic number is 231H and the key number is 50, so I enter those numbers in the search box & click GO, adding a k before the key number...


29 Key Numbers & Digest Then just pick your jurisdiction(s), add search terms if desired, and click onto Search. I’ve chosen to search California state court cases...

30 1.Choose Jurisdiction(s) 2.Add search terms (optional) 3.Click SEARCH

31 Key Numbers & Digest Then you’ll see a list of all the headnotes that match your digest topic and key number...


33 Key Numbers & Digest The second way to conduct a Key Number & Digest search is if you do not have the digest topic number or key number. It involves clicking through the hierarchy until you find the appropriate numbers.

34 Key Numbers & Digest For instance, if you wanted to search for the same employment handbook, but you didn’t have the requisite digest topic number and key number, start by clicking onto the plus sign before Labor and Employment (which is the digest topic)...


36 Key Numbers & Digest... which shows the list of key numbers associated with this digest topic...


38 Key Numbers & Digest Keep expanding the key numbers by clicking onto the plus signs to the left, until you find the relevant key number. Then click into the box to the left of the key number to check-mark it, and then click onto the Search selected button to get to the jurisdiction page.




42 Key Numbers & Digest Then choose your jurisdiction and click onto search.

43 1.Choose Jurisdiction(s) 2.Add search terms (optional) 3.Click SEARCH

44 Key Numbers & Digest I’m searching California cases, and I received retrieved 18 headnotes containing our digest topic & key number...


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