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Facilities Design Project: West Salisbury Elementary Media Center Kara Brown Jack Cleveland Andrea Marine Jennifer Sills Erin Smith.

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Presentation on theme: "Facilities Design Project: West Salisbury Elementary Media Center Kara Brown Jack Cleveland Andrea Marine Jennifer Sills Erin Smith."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facilities Design Project: West Salisbury Elementary Media Center Kara Brown Jack Cleveland Andrea Marine Jennifer Sills Erin Smith

2 From this…



5 To This! And Here’s How…

6 Educational Specifications

7 Spaces: Computer Lab  Whole group instruction  Research  YPP testing  Staff training  30 computers

8 Spaces: Computer Work Stations  Small group instruction  Card catalog searching  Accelerated Reader testing  Research and skill building activities  8 computers

9 Spaces: Silent Reading Area Image retrieved from:  Comfortable seating  Promote independent reading and reading for pleasure

10 Spaces: Listening Center  Playaways  Books with CDs for fluency building and listening skills Image retrieved from: 42%26w%3D300%26h%3D322&imgrefurl= 42.html&usg=__LD60AZcuduuGIlnqrb0Yy1hCk50=&h=252&w=300&sz=11&hl=en&start=97&itbs=1&tbnid=YPE2brC1gpplsM:&tbnh=97&tbn w=116&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dround%2Btables%2Blibrary%26start%3D80%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DN%26gbv%3D2%2 6ndsp%3D20%26tbs%3Disch:1

11 Spaces: Story time area  Sit and listen to and enjoy stories read  Watch or participate in puppet shows Images retrieved from: http… ogle&utm_medium=Guidecraft&utm_campaign=G51060&CAWELAID=454059623

12 Spaces: Quiet Work Area  Small group instruction  Testing Image retrieved from: C66

13 Spaces: Instructional area  Television and DVD/VHS player  Smart board bundle  Fun seating for the students Images retrieved from:  Presentation-Station-w-Cabinet-WPS4CE.html  http…

14 Spaces: Circulation Desk Image retrieved from:

15 Spaces: Fiction and Nonfiction Areas Image retrieved from:

16 Spaces: Periodical stands  Will house magazine subscriptions such as National Geographic Kids Image retrieved from: L47

17 Spaces: Paperback Stands Image retrieved from:

18 Spaces: Display Cases Image retrieved from: pg

19 Safety Measures: Flooring  Blue carpet no more than ½ in pile thickness  Indoor rug pad made of 100% plant based oils Images retrieved from: bin/commerce.cgi?search=action&category=0135&keywords=all

20 Safety Measures: Paint  Freshaire Choice latex indoor paint  Contains no volatile organic compounds (VOCs) Image retrieved from: orArticleUnwindPage.html

21 Instructional Standards: Instructional Area  1.0 Literature Appreciation  1. A.1.a Read, listen to and discuss stories…  1.A.4 Recognize the connection between reading and being a lifelong learner  5.0 Interpret information  6.0 Share findings and conclusions  1.1.6 Read, view, and listen for information presented in any format…in order to make inferences and gather meaning  1.1.9 Collaborate with others to broaden and deepen understanding

22 Instructional Standards: Listening Center  1.0 Literature Appreciation  3.A.2.a Students will use non-print resources efficiently and effectively  1.1.6 Read, view, and listen for information presented in any format…in order to make inferences and gather meaning  4.1.1 Read, view and listen for pleasure and personal growth

23 Instructional Standards: Story time/Puppet Area 1.0 Literature Appreciation  1. A.1.a Read, listen to and discuss stories…  3.A.2.a Students will use non-print resources efficiently and effectively  4.1.1 Read, view and listen for pleasure and personal growth

24 Instructional Standards: Silent Reading Area  1.A.3 Experience the pleasure of recreational reading  1.A.3.b Use age appropriate periodicals for recreational reading  4.1.1 Read, view and listen for pleasure and personal growth  4.2.4 Show an appreciation for literature by electing to read for pleasure…

25 Instructional Standards: Computer Work Station  2.A.1.b Explore age appropriate computer/online resources to locate information to meet their need  3.A.3 Use computer/online/digital resources efficiently and effectively  7.0 Ethical use of information  1.2.3 Demonstrate creativity by using multiple resources and formats  3.1.6 Use information and technology ethically and responsibly

26 Outcomes and Responsibilities

27 Timeline  2010-2011 send out and post surveys online send out and post surveys online begin to form planning board begin to form planning board  2011-2012 Planning Board has regular meetings of stakeholders (parents, teachers, staff members, school board members and students) Planning Board has regular meetings of stakeholders (parents, teachers, staff members, school board members and students) Planning Board reports to the full board of Education Planning Board reports to the full board of Education  2012-2013 construction begins on new building construction begins on new building

28 SIT Goals: Priority A-Accelerate Student Learning  Close the overall performance gaps in reading and math between African American and white students that exists on all levels.  Media Center: 1. Instructional Area 2. Computer Lab and Computer Area 3. Playaway stations 4. Puppet Theatre

29 SIT Goals: Priority A- Accelerate Student Learning  Address the performance gap between African American and white students that exists in the area of main ideas and inferences.  Media Center: 1. Instructional Area 2. Provide students with two literature-based assemblies

30 SIT Goals: A4- Utilize student learning data to accelerate student achievement in reading  Media Center 1. Computer Area- Students will participate in Accelerated Reading program. 2. Computer Lab- Students will take SRI (Scholastic Reading Inventory) in order to learn their lexile scores. This data can be tracked throughout the year to show growth.

31 SIT Goals: A9- Utilize technology to enhance student learning and to perform administrative tasks  Media Center 1. The Media Specialist will offer after school training on technology. 2. Computer Lab and Instructional Area- the media specialist will plan activities utilizing technology such as PowerPoint and Turning Point.

32 SIT Goals: Priority D- Engage Parents in taking an active Role in their child’s daily educational program  Media Center 1. Creative Writing Workshop 2. Family Literacy Nights 3. Reading Nights

33 Environmental Design Elements

34 HVAC needs  Recommended temperature range: 65 F to 75 F  Recommended humidity range: 30-60%  Design based on humidity control  Constant air volume system  Prefilters and high efficiency filters  Thermostatic control separate from rest of school

35 Lighting  Combination of daylighting and electrical fixtures  Considerations: Light variability/adjustability for different tasks, areas, and purposes Light variability/adjustability for different tasks, areas, and purposes Energy efficiency Energy efficiency Automated system with activity/movement sensorsAutomated system with activity/movement sensors Energy efficient bulbsEnergy efficient bulbs Safety and security Safety and security Light switch controls at entrances/exitsLight switch controls at entrances/exits Light control locks to prevent tamperingLight control locks to prevent tampering

36 Lighting  Instructional Spaces Need to be able to dim lights to appropriate levels Need to be able to dim lights to appropriate levels Adjustable fluorescent lighting Adjustable fluorescent lighting  Computer Areas Need to minimize glare Need to minimize glare Reduced light intensity Reduced light intensity Indirect, lower intensity fluorescent lighting Indirect, lower intensity fluorescent lighting  General Reading Areas High enough intensity to see, yet still be welcoming High enough intensity to see, yet still be welcoming Combination of daylighting, adjustable fluorescent, and incandescent Combination of daylighting, adjustable fluorescent, and incandescent  Book Stacks Even, high intensity lighting Even, high intensity lighting Well lit to see titles and call numbers Well lit to see titles and call numbers Parallel, overhead fluorescent fixtures Parallel, overhead fluorescent fixtures

37 Lighting: Electrical Fixtures Image retrieved from: Image retrieved from: fun/robinhood-foundation-library/

38 Lighting: Daylighting  Daylighting Used for general, background lighting Used for general, background lighting Must account for sun/heat, glare, and variability Must account for sun/heat, glare, and variability skylights in circulation space and general reading areas skylights in circulation space and general reading areas Large diffusing area Large diffusing area Hidden electrical lighting inside that adjusts to changes in daylight Hidden electrical lighting inside that adjusts to changes in daylight High windows along upper perimeter of outside walls High windows along upper perimeter of outside walls

39 Lighting: Daylighting envisionchurch/images/aaltocircdeskview_s.JPG

40 Power Requirements  Need to accommodate current and future technology, multimedia, and communication needs  Use fiber optic technology to meet multiple needs and have flexibility  Surge protection and proper grounding  Dedicated circuit separate from rest of school  All outlets located on walls or posts at least 1 ft above flooring

41 Acoustics and Flooring  Distraction free, but not necessarily silent  Use sound-absorbing materials on walls and ceilings  Arrange spaces/furniture properly to minimize noise and distraction  Carpeted flooring reduced noise

42 Accommodations for Special Learners

43 Incorporation of ADA Standards  Americans with Disabilities Accessibility Guidelines were carefully followed in the facility design of West Salisbury Elementary  Provisions were made for wheelchair accessibility, vision impaired students, hearing impaired students, and those who require adaptive technologies

44 Space Accessibility  52 inches in between stacks (ADA=36 inches)  48 inch stack height  15 inch stack minimum  36 inch counter at circulation desk  32 inch door openings  Automatic, power assisted doors with a 3 second wait  At least 5% of total seating in the media center will be wheelchair accessible

45 Adaptive Technologies  Braille signs  Large print keyboards  Large computer screens (minimum of 17 inches)  Speech output system  Trackball system for students with poor motor skills  Scanners  Writing tools

46 Signage and Displays

47 Hanging Signs  12” x 42”  Light blue with black lettering For the following areas:  Fiction  Non Fiction  Reference  Biography  Fairy Tales/Folk Tales  Computer Lab  Teacher Resources  Quiet Reading Area  Quiet Work Area  Listening Station  Circulation Desk Image retrieved from:

48 Wall Mounted Signs  12” x 12”  Light blue with black lettering  Printed in both text and Braille For the following areas:  Reading/Puppet Corner  Computer Work Station  Instructional Area  Media Office  TV Studio  Enter/Exit  Emergency Exit Image retrieved from:

49 Signs in Acrylic Casings  8 ½” x 11  Arial font size minimum of 72, bold print For the following areas:  Periodicals  Paperbacks  Computer Usage Rules and Policies  Media Center Rules and Policies Image retrieved from:

50 Shelf Label Holders  Blue and beige  Color coded—blue for fiction, beige for nonfiction  1”H x 5”L x 2 5/8”  Printed in both text and Braille Image retrieved from:

51 Relocation and Moving Plans

52 Preparation May  Inventory June  Packing/Relocation Training  Close Old Library  5 Year Plan  Relocation Months: May- August

53 Final Move July  Box/pack the Collection  Maintain the Inventory Record  Disassemble/pack Smart Board August  Move the Collection  Unpack  Final Preparation!

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