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User Guide Enhanced Knowledge Hub. 2 Note Accessing Knowledge Hub 1 2 Access K-Hub by selecting: 1.Knowledge Hub tab, OR 2.Knowledge Hub under My Communities.

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Presentation on theme: "User Guide Enhanced Knowledge Hub. 2 Note Accessing Knowledge Hub 1 2 Access K-Hub by selecting: 1.Knowledge Hub tab, OR 2.Knowledge Hub under My Communities."— Presentation transcript:

1 User Guide Enhanced Knowledge Hub

2 2 Note Accessing Knowledge Hub 1 2 Access K-Hub by selecting: 1.Knowledge Hub tab, OR 2.Knowledge Hub under My Communities. Note The Knowledge Hub and Regulatory Services are highlighted at the top bar as they are featured communities in the Enterprise Portal. My Communities contain all communities that you are currently subscribed as a member, including K-Hub since all staff are members.

3 3 Items Knowledge Hub Home Page 1.Navigation Menu – Home, Content Contribution, FAQ & Feedback Help. 2.Information – Keyword & Advanced Search, Search within Search, Set Search Preferences. 3.Information – Browse Single & Multiple Category, Keyword & Category Search. 4.Your Saved Searches. 5.Subscribe your subject category. 6.Help function. 7.“My Workplace” to access your contribution details via “My Contribution” & “My Approval“. 4 5 32 7 61

4 4 Items Knowledge Hub Home Page (cont..) 8.Useful departmental external link. 9.Top 10 Most Viewed SKA document for past week. 10.Subject Specialist Community of Practice (CoP) – Discussion forum with Subject Matter Experts. 9 8 10

5 5 Step-by-step guide Basic Search 1.Enter the keyword that you want to search. 2.Select Data Sources you want to search. 3.Click “Search” to start the search. 4.Choose “Sort by Fields” if you want to sort your search results. 5.Click “Group by Data Sources” if you want to group your search by data source. 6.Relevance based on entered keyword. 7.Click “Summary on/off” if you want to switch document summary on or off. 8.Click “Results Per Page” if you want to change the number of search result displayed. 9.Click the author’s name to find other SKAs contributed by that author. 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 5 6

6 6 Step-by-step guide Advanced Search 1.Enter the keyword that you want to search. 2.Select the data source you want to search in. 3.Select “Filter by” or “Where…” to narrow your search. 4.Click “Search” to start searching. 5.Search results. 1 2 4 5 3 3

7 7 Browse 1.Select Data Source to browse into. 2.Single category browsing: Select “Business Theme” OR “Content” OR “Region” OR “Sector” categories. 3.For multiple selection browsing, tick the Multiple Selection Box and select relevant categories within/across the category domains. 4.Keyword and Category Search: key- in the keyword & select category. 5.Click “Search” to start searching. Step-by-step guide 1 3 4 5 2

8 8 Browse Results 1.Categories selected. 2.Browse results. 3.Click its title to view the document. 4.Click author’s name to find other SKAs contributed by the author. 5.Click “Find Similar” to view related document on similar subject. 6.Subject Matter Experts (SMEx) related to the category. 7.E-mail link functionality to easily communicate with that SMEx. Step-by-step guide 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

9 9 Subscribe for Subject Category 1.Click “Subscribe” to subscribe subject category. 2.Select “Subject Category” to be subscribed. 3.System will capture the selected category. 4.Select Duration of alerts: weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly. 5.Click “Subscribe” to confirm subscription to the subject category. 6.Select “Reset” to clear the selected subject category, and start over. Step-by-step guide 1 2 3 4 56

10 10 My Subscription & Unsubscribe Subject Category 1.Click “My Subscription” and your current subscription will display. 2.Click “Subscribe More” to add subscriptions. 3.To unsubscribe, select the Subject Category to be unsubscribed. 4.Click “Unsubscribe” to confirm. Step-by-step guide 1 3 42

11 11 My Saved Searches 1.Click “Save Query” after finished the search. 2.“My Saved Searches” enables you to access your frequently used search terms. Step-by-step guide 1 2

12 12 Contributing Content 1.You may select the type of content to contribute, however the default contribution form is SKA. 2.Enter the title of the document. 3.Enter an abstract regarding the document. 4.Select the Business Theme by clicking on the “Click here to choose Business Themes”. 5.Select the Content Type by clicking on the “Click here to choose Content”. 6.Select the Sector by clicking on the “Click here to choose Sector”. 7.Select the Region by clicking on the “Click here to choose Region” (this field is optional). 8.Enter the Author(s) / Co- Author(s). Step-by-step guide 1 5 4 3 2 6 8 7

13 13 Contributing Content (cont..) 9.Select the Classification type based on i-Sec Policy. 10.Choose “Access List” if the document classified as SULIT or RAHSIA. 11.Select “De- Classification Period” if you want to re- classify the document after a certain duration. 12.Select the “Retention period” based on department’s Archival policy. 13.Select “Embargo Date” if you want to publish the document some time in the future. 14.Browse to select your Attachments. 15.Enter the document location and supporting reference materials (if any). 16.Click at “Save as Draft” to save the document. 17.Click “Submit” to submit the document. Step-by-step guide 9 10 11 12 14 13 1617 15 Note You may access your contribution details in the “My Contribution” & “My Approval“ portlets under “My Workplace”.

14 14 10 Step-by-step guide Subject Specialist Community of Practice 1.Go to Subject Specialist CoP at the bottom of K-Hub Homepage. 2.Select Subject category to open that Subject Specialists’ page. 3.Click “Discussion” to initiate discussion. 4.Click “Documents” to share document with Subject Specialists. 5.Click “Tasks” to allocate task within the subject specialist group. 6.Click “Calendar” to set meetings and appointments. 7.Project Search to search other subject specialist CoP. 8.List of Subject Specialists for respective category. 9.Latest updated documents. 10.Recent Messages. 1 3 45 6 2 9 8 7

15 15 11.Click “Discussion”. 12.Discussion Page with the list of 2nd Level category will display. 13.Click the relevant category to post a message. 14.The selected category will be highlighted. 15.Posted messages according to subject. 16.Click “New” and select “Message”. 17.“Start New Message” window will display. Key in the Subject, Message and attachment (if any). 18.Click “Finish”, the message will be posted and added to the message list. 19.You may Subscribe Others to this CoP by clicking “Subscribe Others”. Step-by-step guide Subject Specialist Community of Practice (Discussions) 13 11 12 17 15 16 19 14 18

16 16 20.The Subscription window will display. Click “Add Users”. 21.“Choose Users” window will display. Choose the users from the user list or search for them. Step-by-step guide Subject Specialist Community of Practice (Subscribe Others) 20 21

17 17 22.Click “Reply” tab to reply to the existing message. 23.“Reply to Message” window will display. Key in the message and attach documents (if any). 24.Click “Finish” to post the reply. Step-by-step guide Subject Specialist Community of Practice (Reply Message) 22 23 24

18 18 25.Click the “Documents” tab. 26.Select a section, and it will highlight. 27.List of uploaded documents. 28.Click “Upload”, and select “Upload” from the menu. 29.The Upload window will display. Click “Browse” to choose the document to be uploaded. 30.Click “Upload”. The document will be uploaded and added to the document list. Step-by-step guide Subject Specialist Community of Practice (Documents) 25 26 27 28 29 30

19 19 1.Click the “FAQ & Feedback” tab. 2.Select FAQ Category. 3.FAQ titles will be listed down with the date FAQ was last updated. 4.Click the FAQ title to view the answer. 5.For General Feedback, select the feedback category. 6.Enter the feedback. comment with any relevant link to the page that you want to include into this feedback (if any). 7.Click “Submit” to submit feedback. Step-by-step guide FAQ and Feedback 2 3 4 5 6 7 1

20 20 Thank You

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