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Chemistry September 8, 2014 Chemistry in General.

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1 Chemistry September 8, 2014 Chemistry in General

2 Science Starter (2) Put homework into the Homework Slot located in the back of the room (first slot) Sit down and begin working on the Science Starter. The Science Starter will end 2 minutes after the bell. – This is silent and individual work. – Science Starter today is putting together the binder. 5 tabs should be named: Class, Homework, Notes, Assessments, References – Take out class notes AIMS 1-2

3 OBJECTIVES (1) SWBAT – Define Chemistry – List the steps of the Scientific Methods – Define measurements and the types of measurements – Identify the differences between Precision and Accuracy

4 AGENDA (1) Do Science Starter (2) Objectives/Agenda and Homework (2) Fire Evacuation (2) Assigned Seats, Late Log, Homework, Classwork (4) Go over the Classwork/Participation Rubric (7) Review Aims 1-2 (28) – Define Chemistry – Discuss Scientific Methods – Define Measurements – Identify differences between Precision and Accuracy Science Exit (.5)

5 FIRE EVACUATION (3) Get into a single-file line at the door – Leave your stuff behind (grab coat) Follow the instructor down the stairway (5/6) and walk down Round the corner and cross over to the other side of the street Stay with this group. I will be taking attendance. Once the OK is given, form a single-file line Once instructed, proceed to the main door for re- scanning to get back into the building

6 ASSIGNED SEATS (1) You are required to be sitting at your assigned seat throughout the class period (unless otherwise instructed by the teacher) Assigned seats may be changed as needed Attendance is based on whether or not you are sitting in your assigned seat. – If you are in the room but not in your assigned seat, you will be marked Absent

7 LATE LOG (1) If you come in after the late bell, sign the late log located in the red binder on the desk – Ms. Bui will use the late log to change your absences to tardiness. – If you did not sign the late log, Ms. Bui will report you as being absence.

8 HOMEWORK (1) Upon entering, put your homework into the Homework slot located at the back of the room. The Homework slot is the first slot.

9 CLASSWORK (1) All in-class activities will be submitted at the end of class. On your way out, put your classwork into the 2 nd slot Your classwork will be graded as part of your Homework grade or your Written grade All late work will be marked off by 30 percent for one day late. After the 1 st late, Ms. Bui will not grade your work

10 CLASS PARTICIPATION POINTS (1) Beginning this week, the class participation points will be calculated as follow: – On time – Be Prepared – Science Starter/Science Exit – Focus on class work – Being Respectful – Contribution in class – Working with Other

11 ON TIME (1) Total of 20 points – Sitting silently at your desk by the time I finished taking attendance (10 points) – Sitting silently and individually working on the Science Starter (10 points)

12 BE PREPARED (.5) Have all materials out and ready to begin class Have all non-class materials put away in your bag Total of 10 points

13 SCIENCE STARTER/EXIT (.5) Science Starter -2 minutes -Put into the 3 rd slot on your way out of the class -Total points (10) -Science Exit -2 minutes -Put into the 3 rd slot on your way out of the class -Total points (10)

14 FOCUS ON CLASS WORK (.5) Focus only on class materials – No interacting with non-class materials (e.g., basketball, skateboard, etc.)

15 BEING RESPECTFUL (1) Follow instructions the first time given Sit at assigned seats (no getting up unless otherwise instructed by Ms. Bui) Hands and feet should be kept to oneself – Feet should be on the ground underneath the chair Sitting straight and tracking the speaker Use only academic language – No cursing Total points 20

16 CONTRIBUTION IN CLASS (1) Raised hands to contribute productively toward class’s discussion Answer questions when being called on – At least make an effort – “I don’t know” is not an acceptable answer Participate in class activities Total points 10

17 WORK WELL WITH OTHER (1) Actively engaged in group work or partner work Listen respectfully to others Total points 10

18 RANKING (1) Student will be ranked in class based on class participation grade (posted on the board in the back) Weekly ranking will end each Friday Top student in each class will get a reward on Monday Top student in each class for the marking period will get a reward (Overall Participation Points)


20 WHAT IS CHEMISTRY? (4) What is Chemistry? What are the differences between the 2 types of Chemistry Research? What are the 5 major divisions of Chemistry

21 SCIENTIFIC METHODS (5) What is the Scientific Method? – Is it an exact method? What are the steps of the scientific methods? What happens when the conclusion does not support the hypothesis? Why do you want to publish your result? What is a theory?

22 SCIENTIFIC METHODS (cont) What are the differences between a hypothesis, theory and law?

23 MEASUREMENTS (2) What is measurement? What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative data?

24 ACCURACY (3) Definition Formula = True value – Measurement Value Example: Given that True value = 4.02 cm Sam’s 4 th attempt is the most accurate Bill’s 2 nd attempt is the least accurate

25 Students 1st time 2nd time 3rd time 4th time Bill4.004.453.893.90 Jane4. Walt4.104.074.394.20 Sam3.804.104.234.01

26 PRECISION (5) Definition – How close several measurements are to one another (show consistency) – Example: Who look to be the most precise and why? – What is the difference between accuracy and precision?

27 ACCURACY/PRECISION So why is accuracy and precision important in chemistry?

28 SCIENCE EXIT (2) 1.Silently and individually answer the following 2 questions. You have 2 minutes. Looking at the picture below – Determine which one is more accurate and why? – Determine which one is more precise and why?

29 LAST MINUTE Hold up your Class Binder so I can give you credit. Make sure the room is clean. HOMEWORK: Read AIM 3 Class Notes Don’t forget to submit your Science Exit on the way out.

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