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Armenian and Greek Genocide Kathyrn Balitsos, Josh Idio, Dan Ortiz.

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Presentation on theme: "Armenian and Greek Genocide Kathyrn Balitsos, Josh Idio, Dan Ortiz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Armenian and Greek Genocide Kathyrn Balitsos, Josh Idio, Dan Ortiz

2 The Forgotten Genocide ●April 24, 1915 -1923 ●occured during WWI

3 Factors that allowed for genocide Armenians and Greeks were a Christian minority Armenians thrived in the Ottoman Empire ●more educated and wealthier


5 Factors leading to genocide With WWI occurring, the Ottoman Empire was able to murder millions and blame the ongoing war for their deaths. The Ottoman Empire was able to forcibly move millions on death marches while saying they were protecting them.

6 The genocide began for the Armenians and spread to the Greeks

7 Who was involved Perpetrators ●Turks ●Kurds ●Mullahs (Muslim religious leaders ●soldiers ●special killing squads Victims ●Armenians ●Greeks


9 How was this made a collective event? During the time, the Ottoman Turks, just finished losing World War I. Due to this defeat they lost many territories such as the Balkans (Greece, Serbia, and Bulgaria.) They broke away from Europe and wanted to become independent. The Turks then began to be controlled by fear of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. The citizens began to become extremely nationalistic.


11 The political party controlling government began to warn the people of the “true enemies” of the Ottoman which were the Christians(Armenians and Greeks). This led to the formation of CUP (The Committee of Union and Progress) led by three Turkish nationalists, Talaat, Enver, and Djemal. Their persuading slogan was, “Turkey For Turks”.


13 Armenian Stages of Genocide Classification ●Muslims: Ottoman Turks and Kurds ●Armenians: Non- Muslims & Christians Symbolization ●Armenians were Christians o second-class citizens o “gavours” meaning “infidel” or “unbelievers”. ●Non-Muslims singled out as lesser people

14 Armenian Stages of Genocide Dehumanization ●Armenian soldiers were disarmed and placed into labor battalions or used as “pack animals” ●Mistreatment of Armenians become humane in Turkish eyes: civil-restricting laws implemented.

15 Armenian Stages of Genocide Organization ●Central Community of the “Young Turk” Party. o Young Turk Triumvirate - Mehmed Talaat, Ismail Enver, Ahmed Djemal ●Mass militias deployed, along with several “butcher Battalions” o (released convicts organized into killing units) ●Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) organization o including a list of different Armenians to be murdered. ●Orders and commands would be transmitted through coded telegrams.


17 Armenian Stages of Genocide Polarization ●Propaganda surfaces o Armenians siding with Turkish enemy (Russia) ●Intermarrying forbidden ●Germans & Ottomans consider them “the enemy within” and “the Armenian Problem”

18 Armenian Stages of Genocide Preparation ●Armenian property is confiscated, looted or burned. ●Soldiers disarmed, forced labor or conversion is applied.

19 Armenian Stages of Genocide Extermination ●Armenian human icons hanged or shot o Ex: Political leaders, educators, writers, clergy, dignitaries o April 24, 1915 - Many happen in Constantinople or what is now Istanbul ●Deportation, shootings, death marches and exile to Syrian deserts. ●gas or suffocation massacres or burnings. ●Death squads, though local turks and kurds participate

20 Armenian Stages of Genocide Denial ●The modern Turkish government continues not to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide. ●Outlaws any accusation or mention of such event. Turkish Prime Minister Denies the Armenian Genocide

21 International Responses - During Allied Powers (GB, FR, RU) warning “The Allied governments announce publicly that they will hold all the members of the Ottoman government, as well as such of their agents as are implicated, personally responsible for such matters”. Warning failed. Newspapers continue headlines

22 International Response - During ●Russian Army gives temporary relief o Eastern Front Attack makes its way towards central Turkey. ●But withdraws due to the Russian Revolution. o Surviving Armenians seeks refuge with Russian Armenians

23 International Response - After ●November 1918 - World War I finally ends. o With the defeat of Germany and the Central Powers, the Young Turk Triumvirate (Talaat, Enver, Djemal) flees to Germany. o Germany refuses continued demands to return the Triumvirate to stand trial. o Armenian activists and assassinate them with two other instigators. ●Treaty of Sevres signed on August 10 o Recognizes an independent Armenian state.


25 Nicolas Kastani Eleftheria Kastani

26 Works Cited "United Human Rights Council." United Human Rights Council. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 June 2014. "Turks Apologize for Armenian Massacres." Armenian Genocide by Turkish Muslims. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 June 2014. "The Armenian Genocide." The Armenian Genocide. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 June 2014. "Stages of Genocide." The Great Crime. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 June 2014.

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