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1 Points of Consensus Choice in Post-Secondary Readiness measures seems supported however there will need to be a careful strategy to minimize gaming {Hearing.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Points of Consensus Choice in Post-Secondary Readiness measures seems supported however there will need to be a careful strategy to minimize gaming {Hearing."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Points of Consensus Choice in Post-Secondary Readiness measures seems supported however there will need to be a careful strategy to minimize gaming {Hearing from some but not all} Continue the use of the performance composite based on new standards Focus on Reading and Math as represented in Longitudinal Growth for LEA Accountability plotted with a common metric Give Graduation Project weighting in a bonus system Use 5-Year Cohort graduation rate in model Emphasis in model (and weighting) is student achievement and growth. Preference for 4-quadrant model (or similar) for classification system Need for revision of Gateway system This document represents the general results of the discussion at the March 31, 2010 Globally Competitive Students Committee of the North Carolina State Board of Education. No action was taken and consensus points are emerging and not final.

2 2 Next Steps Develop mechanism for additional SBE member input on Future- Ready Core, weighting and reporting in next month and compile results Finalize straw man of new model in preparation for summer formal feedback and get buy-in of folks on board early (NCAE, Other Ed Groups, Teachers) Report on full superintendent results on April 25th to SBE. Have a conversation with Wake Forest (and others) who have dropped the SAT and ACT and determine what they use to measure readiness. Run simulations to get a sense of how a new model would behave with different weightings Revisit semantics carefully prior to rolling out to field Add teacher and student working conditions survey data to updated reporting Get a couple of pieces of data: 08-09 retention rates, find who passed the test but not the class and Algebra II data

3 3 Parking Lot Issues SBE has a separate conversation about diagnostic assessment plan and Ready, Set, Go Reward and Sanction conversation relative to ESEA Conversation about the possibility of inclusion of 20% of final grade coming from EOCs in 3-8 Discussion of Legislative changes necessary

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