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Improving Technology Infrastructure and Web-based Information and Services Northeast Iowa Community College PRP031A100024 Christine Woodson, Project Director.

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2 Improving Technology Infrastructure and Web-based Information and Services Northeast Iowa Community College PRP031A100024 Christine Woodson, Project Director

3 Project Overview Goal 1. Improve access to information and reporting capability  Train managers in new reporting software to extract and analyze data for more effective institutional decision-making Goal 2. Improve distance learning quality and business efficiency  Reduce the gap between the enrollee success rate in distance learning classes and the institution-wide success rate

4 Goal 3. Update technology infrastructure for improved security and business efficiency  Upgrade current infrastructure, implement document imaging software, implement talent management software, expand wireless capacity, and develop new web-based services

5 Using Evaluative Data and Recommendations  Implemented an annual evaluation process conducted by Lighthouse Consulting, Inc., Mike Gaudette, which provides meaningful feedback to the project Steering Committee following annual on-site visits  Use of external evaluator encouraged institutional buy-in from stakeholders, especially in Year 1  Evaluator’s observations and suggestions are helpful when unexpected delays or challenges in implementation occur.

6  Evaluation includes overall assessment of project management, including Project director and key staff  NICC team preparation for evaluation site visit was useful to ensure ongoing data collection and documentation of progress toward achieving project objectives  Site visit, and subsequent written summary, serve as a guide for continuing effective practices and addressing areas for improvement

7 Sustainability and Strengthening the Institution  The evaluation process provided suggestions for additional project assessments that will assist NICC in fully institutionalizing the grant project beyond the scope of Title III funding  Identified opportunities to document the efficacy of project activities to justify reallocation of resources for institutionalization

8  Evaluator provided detailed assistance in identifying specific data and collection procedures to document quantitative measures of progress  Exit interview at end of site visit provided formative feedback and opportunity to begin immediate remediation of identified areas of concern  Availability of external evaluator 24/7 for questions has been beneficial to overall project management


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