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Undecided? You’re at the right place.. Where to Start Spend some time in Career Development Services. Our career experts have helpful tools like Career.

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Presentation on theme: "Undecided? You’re at the right place.. Where to Start Spend some time in Career Development Services. Our career experts have helpful tools like Career."— Presentation transcript:

1 Undecided? You’re at the right place.

2 Where to Start Spend some time in Career Development Services. Our career experts have helpful tools like Career Cruising, that assess your interests and academic strengths. Talk to an Academic Advisor or Counselor. They have met with many students like you. They’ll ask questions, and suggest classes to get you going.

3 Undecided Attend Orientation. It’s the best start to your college career. Think, research and plan. Using the information you have gathered from Academic Advisors, Career Development Services, Orientation, and other students, look inward. Be aware. If you are utilizing financial aid to pay for your education, you will need to list intended major on some required forms.

4 More Ideas Get to know the faculty. At LLCC, professors can become mentors. Talk to them outside of class. Ask questions. Explore. Take a variety of classes- even some outside your comfort zone. This is your time to experiment!

5 Plan 2 Succeed! Participate in Student Life. Build leadership skills – and your resume – by joining clubs and participating in activities. Your time at LLCC. You will have to use your free time constructively to keep up with your studies.

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