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Presented by Vishy Grandhi.  Lesson 1: AX Overview  Lesson 2: Role based security  Lesson 3: Monitoring  Troubleshooting.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Vishy Grandhi.  Lesson 1: AX Overview  Lesson 2: Role based security  Lesson 3: Monitoring  Troubleshooting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Vishy Grandhi

2  Lesson 1: AX Overview  Lesson 2: Role based security  Lesson 3: Monitoring  Troubleshooting

3  At the end of this lesson you will have an understanding about ◦ The components of an AX system ◦ Extended System architecture ◦ Model driven architecture

4  AX is a 3-tier system consisting of the following components ◦ Database (SQL Server) ◦ AOS (Business logic execution service) ◦ Client (AX Rich client, EP,.NET Business Connector)

5  AX Database ◦ It is an OLTP db ◦ Stores business data ◦ Stores Metadata and application code

6  AOS ◦ Application object server ◦ It provides a runtime for execution of X++ code ◦ Manages security ◦ Session management ◦ Web services end point

7  Clients ◦ AX Rich client installed on client desktop/citrix/RDP ◦ Enterprise Portal ◦ Microsoft Office products (Through Dynamics AX add-on) ◦.NET Business Connector


9  AX has a unique model and layer architecture that enables easy customization while ensuring protection of code and easy upgrade ◦ Layers ◦ Models


11  Model is a new concept in AX 2012 ◦ Logical separation of code objects ◦ Multiple ISV code segregation ◦ Multiple project code segregation

12  We have looked at the components that make up AX System  Architecture of AX – Layers and Models  Extended system architecture

13  At the end of this lesson you will have an understanding about ◦ Role based security ◦ Roles assignment to users



16  Entry Points  Permissions  Privileges  Duties  Roles

17  Menu items  Web content items  Service operations  SSRS reports

18  Process cycles are used in rich client to make it easier for a system administrator to view and find related duties when setting up security. ◦ Conversion cycle ◦ Cost accounting cycle ◦ Expenditure cycle ◦ Human capital management cycle ◦ Information Technology cycle ◦ Revenue cycle

19  At the end of this lesson you would have a good understanding of the following ◦ Setup a new user ◦ Assign the user appropriate role ◦ Modify roles, duties and privileges

20  At the end of this lesson you will have an understanding about ◦ Monitoring Hardware ◦ Monitoring Database ◦ Monitoring Dynamics AX

21  Use System Monitor (Perfmon) to monitor Windows, SQL Server and AX Counters. A few important counters – % Privileged Time – % Processor Time – Available Mbytes – Page Faults/sec – Avg. Disk Queue Length – % Disk Time – Bytes Total/Sec – Buffer Cache Hit Ratio (Sql) – User Connections – SQL Compilations – Active Sessions (AX) – Total Sessions – Number of client requests – Fatal session exception (EP) – Session allocation rate – Web part execution rate

22  SQL Server Profiler can be used to identify performance issues with queries, any deadlocks and general tracing. A few events for tracing – Deadlock – Data File Autogrow – Log File Autogrow – Showplan XML – Sp:StmtStarting/Compl eted – Sql:StmtStarting/Compl eted Problems that can be detected include – High number of reads/writes – Long running queries – Execution plans

23  Other tools available include ◦ SQL Dynamic Management Views ◦ Sp_who, sp_lock ◦ DBCC CACHESTATS, DBCC TRACEON, DBCC TRACEOFF, DBCC TRACESTATUS ◦ SQLIO – Disk performance test tool ◦ SQLIOSim – Disk Stress Test Tool ◦ SQL Server logs

24  AX Trace Parser

25  Common performance related issues that are noticed in Dynamics AX – Blocking and deadlocking – Disk I/O bottlenecks – High CPU utilization – Large number of roundtrips to database – High memory usage when run in IL Problems that can be detected include – High number of reads/writes – Long running queries – Execution plans

26  The following recipes are included in this presentation ◦ Create a new user ◦ Assign role to a user

27 1. Start 2. Open the Microsoft Dynamics AX client. 3. Open the Users form. System Administration > Common > Users > Users. 4. Click New > Import in the Action Pane. 5. Click Next. 6. Select the domain name 7. Enter Vishy for the first name. 8. Click Next. 9. Click Select all. 10. Click Next. 11. Click Next. 12. Select only System User and Employee roles. 13. Click Next. 14. Select Accounts receivable administrator profile in Same profile in all companies. This defines Vishy's role center. 15. Click Next. 16. Click Finish

28 1. Open the Microsoft Dynamics AX client. 2. Go to System Administration > Common > Users > Users. 3. Double-click Vishy Grandhi in the grid to edit his record. 4. Click Assign roles in the User's role section of the form. 5. Select Accounts receivable manager and click OK. 6. Finish.

29  We have looked at AX components and system architecture  We have also explored model driven architecture  We have looked at Role based security in AX  We explored the different security elements  Finally we created a new user and assigned him/her roles

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