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Protein Synthesis.

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1 Protein Synthesis

2 transcription and translation
The “Central Dogma” Flow of genetic information in a cell How do we move information from DNA to proteins? transcription translation DNA RNA protein trait To get from the chemical language of DNA to the chemical language of proteins requires 2 major stages: transcription and translation replication

3 Comparing DNA and RNA

4 Allowed to travel from nucleus to cytoplasm
Comparing DNA and RNA DNA RNA Shape Double helix 2 strands Single strand Sugar Deoxyribose Ribose Bases A, T, C, and G A, U, C and G Location Only in the nucleus Allowed to travel from nucleus to cytoplasm

5 Types of RNA Messenger RNA (mRNA) RNA (rRNA) Transfer RNA (tRNA)
Sequence of nucleotides that determines the primary sequence of the polypeptide RNA (rRNA) Major component of ribosomes Transfer RNA (tRNA) Carries the amino acids to the mRNA

6 Protein Synthesis: From gene to protein
aa a Protein Synthesis: From gene to protein nucleus cytoplasm transcription translation DNA mRNA protein ribosome trait

7 Protein Synthesis: 1. Transcription – the synthesis of RNA using a DNA
template Occurs in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells 2. Translation – the synthesis of a polypeptide using the genetic information encoded in an mRNA molecule Occurs on the ribosome

8 Which gene is read on the DNA?
Specific sequences of nucleotides along the DNA mark where transcription of a gene begins and ends. A promoter is a specific nucleotide sequence in DNA that binds RNA polymerase, positioning it to start transcribing RNA at the appropriate place

9 Initiation of Transcription
Certain sections of a promoter are especially important for binding RNA polymerase. In prokaryotes, the RNA polymerase itself specifically recognizes and binds to the promoter In eukaryotes, a collection of proteins called transcription factors mediate the binding of RNA polymerase and the initiation of transcription.


11 Transcription: DNA to mRNA
Takes place in the nucleus A section of DNA is unzipped RNA polymerase lays down nucleotides 5’ to 3’ direction. The mRNA then leaves the nucleus through the nuclear pores and enters the cytoplasm

12 RNA Processing in Eukaryotes
mRNA must be modified before it leaves the nucleus 1) Introns are cut out of the mRNA and exons are spliced back together 2) A 5’ GTP cap and a 3) A poly-A tail are added to the mRNA

13 Final mRNA processing…
Need to protect mRNA on its trip from nucleus to cytoplasm (enzymes in cytoplasm attack mRNA) protect the ends of the molecule add 5 GTP cap add poly-A tail longer tail, mRNA lasts longer A 3' poly-A tail mRNA 5' 5' cap 3' G P A’s eukaryotic RNA is about 10% of eukaryotic gene.

14 The Code You don’t need to memorize the codons (except for AUG)
Start codon AUG methionine Stop codons UGA, UAA, UAG Strong evidence for a single origin in evolutionary theory.

15 mRNA codes for proteins in triplets

16 Ribosomes: Site of Protein Synthesis
Facilitate coupling of tRNA anticodon to mRNA codon Structure ribosomal RNA (rRNA) & proteins 2 subunits large small E P A

17 Translation A ribosome has three binding sites for tRNA:
The P site holds the tRNA that carries the growing polypeptide chain The A site holds the tRNA that carries the next amino acid to be added to the chain The E site is the exit site, where discharged tRNAs leave the ribosome


19 Transfer RNA Found in cytoplasm Carries amino acids to ribosome
Contains an “anticodon” of nitrogen bases Anticodons use complementary bond with codons

20 Translation: mRNA to Protein
In the cytoplasm ribosomes attach to the mRNA Ribosome covers 3 codons at a time Initiation - The tRNA carrying an amino acid comes into P-site and bonds by base pairing its anticodon with the mRNA start codon (what is the start codon?) Elongation – The second tRNA then comes into A-site and bonds to codon of mRNA (what type of bond forms between adjacent amino acids?) Termination – ribosome continues reading mRNA until a STOP codon is reached (doesn’t code for anything)


22 Protein Synthesis in Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes

23 Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote Differences
Prokaryotes DNA in cytoplasm circular chromosome naked DNA no introns No splicing Promoter & terminator sequence Smaller ribosomes Eukaryotes DNA in nucleus linear chromosomes DNA wound on histone proteins introns and exons TATA box promoter Transcription factors present Walter Gilbert hypothesis: Maybe exons are functional units and introns make it easier for them to recombine, so as to produce new proteins with new properties through new combinations of domains. Introns give a large area for cutting genes and joining together the pieces without damaging the coding region of the gene…. patching genes together does not have to be so precise.

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