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Lindsey Webb, Director of Nursing and Governance.

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Presentation on theme: "Lindsey Webb, Director of Nursing and Governance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lindsey Webb, Director of Nursing and Governance

2 Our vision: To be the first choice for orthopaedic services for patients, carers and commissioners

3 The Fortunes of Leading Brands


5 National drivers Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUINs) National contract Quality Accounts High Impact Interventions Essence of Care Safety Thermometer Energise for Excellence


7 Local drivers Organisational strategy and ambition Needs of the population Feedback from patients, carers and the public Patient safety issues Clinical outcomes Risks

8 External challenges

9 Internal challenges

10 Leadership Team Culture Evidence Assurance Triangulation Developing a quality service

11 Don’t just rely on the numbers Be mindful of hitting the target and missing the point! How does it look/feel? What story is it telling you? Consider the ‘so what’ factor Share and communicate Engage with staff – formally/informally Celebrate success Challenge complacency Remember - it can always be better Lessons learnt


13 Catheter associated urinary tract infections

14 On average every incidence of HA-UTI incurs an additional cost of £1, 563 per patient and blocks a bed for an extra 6 days Plowman et al 1999 12.6% of patients are catheterised Cited in epic guidelines, 2001 21 % ROHFT Incidence CAUTI 7.3% hospitalised patients Plowman R et al. 1999 32 % ROHFT CAUTI Problem…

15 Cost of additional nurse care£539.43 Cost of microbiology£10.60 Cost of additional antimicrobials£4.71 Additional length of stay costs£627.76 Additional consumables£82.45 Other additional costs (Plowman model) £298.05 Cost of one CAUTI £1,563 each At a CAUTI rate of 32% total annual cost: £185,997

16 Strategy … Aseptic Non-Touch Technique Chain of Prevention Trial silver catheters

17 Bone Infection Unit


19 After….

20 If you think you’re too small to make a difference you’ve obviously never been in a room with a mosquito!!!

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