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ENGLISH WRITING (2) Part One: Preparing for TEM4 Session 2: Note-writing LIU LINGLING 求索学堂课程 : 英语写作.

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1 ENGLISH WRITING (2) Part One: Preparing for TEM4 Session 2: Note-writing LIU LINGLING 求索学堂课程 : 英语写作

2 2014LIU LINGLING2 Topics in this course –Session 1: Introduction –Session 2-3: Note Writing –Session 4-9: Essay Writing (esp. argumentative ) –Session 10-11:Summary Writing –Session 12-13:Reviews – Book review –Session 14-15: Writing on Graphic information –Session 16: Resume Writing

3 Preparing for TEM4-Writing test (Week 9; April 19, 2014) Note-writing: 50-60 words,10 minutes Essay-writing: 200 words, 35 minutes 2014LIU LINGLING3

4 写作考试大纲 (1) 测试目的: 检查学生在专业英语学习的基础阶段末期的英语写作 能力。 (2) 题型: 主观试题,分为 Section A 和 Section B 两个部分。 Section A: Composition 写作文 Section B: Note-writing 写便条 2014LIU LINGLING4

5 (3) 测试要求: a) 作文。要求根据所给的题目和列出的写作提纲或图 表、数字统计表等 ( 也附有写作提纲 ) 写一篇 200 词的短文 ,能做到内容切题、完整,条理清楚,文章结构严谨,语 法正确,语言通顺恰当。作文的类别有说明文、议论文或 记叙文。考试时间为 35 分钟。 b) 便条。要求根据提示写大约 50 ~ 60 词的便条、通知 、请帖等。要求做到格式正确,语言得体。考试时间为 10 分钟。 2014LIU LINGLING5

6 评分标准 评分标准共有以下七条: (1) 文章内容切题、丰富,文章通顺,表达清楚。 (2) 行文流畅。 (3) 组织严密,逻辑性强。 (4) 句型多样化,句法结构正确。 (5) 用词得体、恰当、丰富。 (6) 语法正确。 (7) 拼写及标点正确,书写整洁。 2014LIU LINGLING6

7 Note-writing What is a note? Types of notes Format of a note Reference: Chapter1 (pp135-161). 黑玉琴. Chapter 13-14. 基础英语写作. 西安 : 西安交通大学出版社, 2008. 2014LIU LINGLING7

8 What is a note? Short, brief, simple Informal, casual, colloquial To call attention to something For various purposes 2014LIU LINGLING8

9 Types of notes 1.Leaving messages 2.Making and cancelling appointments 3.Making apologies 4.Extending invitations 5.Accepting or declining invitations 6.Expressing thanks 7.Congratulations 8.Asking for leave 2014LIU LINGLING9

10 April 21 Dear George, I’ve got a ticket for the concert given by the Spring Orchestra this coming Sunday at the City Theater. I wanted to go, but my sister is in hospital and my brother-in-law is away on business. I have to look after my little niece. I know you are a music lover. So I’ve decided to give you this ticket. The concert begins at 7 p.m. Tom Leaving a message What is the note intended to do? 2014LIU LINGLING10

11 June 16 Rose, Thank you for asking me to go to the alumni get- together buffet. I’m sorry to say that I cannot come to the buffet because I’ve caught a bad cold. It is a shame to have to miss the chance to meet everyone. Please give my regards to our friends. I do hope you all have a good time. Yours sincerely, Jane What is the note intended to do? 2014LIU LINGLING11 Declining an invitation

12 What is the note intended to do? Sept. 26 Dear Ms. Li, Would you please give me an extension of leave for three days? My ankle still hurts a lot after I sprained it in the volleyball match last Friday. The doctor said I cannot move until a week later. I really feel nasty for not being able to come to class. I’ll definitely borrow others’ notes to make up for the lectures I missed. Jane 2014LIU LINGLING 12 Asking for leave

13 Format of a note 1.No envelope. 2.No address. 3.The date is put at the upper right corner. 4.In the salutation, the word “Dear” can be omitted. 5.The body part is the key part of the note. 6.The signature of the writer is put at the end of the note in a separate line on the right side. 2014LIU LINGLING13

14 Practice 1: Leaving messages Write a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation in 10 minutes. Then share in groups. You’ve got a ticket to a computer fair, but you now find that you are unable to go. Write a note to your friend, George, explaining why you are sending the enclosed ticket to him and telling him briefly how to get there. 2014LIU LINGLING14

15 What should be included in notes leaving messages? 1.Mention the specific matter; 2.Give detailed information about it. or 1.State your request; 2.Give an explanation to your request. 2014LIU LINGLING15

16 Useful language aid for Practice 1 I’ve got to… We’re asked to… I’ve just learned that… I’m happy to tell you that… Everyone is requested to attend… Would you please do me a favor by…? 2014LIU LINGLING16

17 Practice 2-1: Making appointments Write a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation in 10 minutes. Then share in groups. You are a student. You have some trouble with your book report. You want to talk about it with your teacher, Miss Freeman. Write her a note, making an appointment with her. 2014LIU LINGLING17

18 What should be included in notes making appointments? 1.State clearly what the matter is; 2.Give the exact time and the place you want to meet at; 3.Show your desire for the meeting; 4.Say a reply is expected. 2014LIU LINGLING18

19 Practice 2-2: Cancelling appointments Write a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation in 10 minutes. Then share in groups. You, Mike, a teacher, will not be able to see Jim, your student, and talk about his paper in your office tomorrow morning. You have just been informed to attend a meeting tomorrow. So write her a note to cancel the appointment. 2014LIU LINGLING19

20 What should be included in notes cancelling appointments? 1.Say sorry that you cannot keep the appointment; 2.State your reasons for that; 3.Express your regret for breaking the appointment; 4.Express your hope for another gathering as the compensation. 2014LIU LINGLING20

21 Useful language aid for Practice 2 to make/change/confirm/keep an appointment I wonder if I could see you in your office tomorrow, at…. I’m wondering if next Monday afternoon is convenient to you. Is it possible for me to see you in your officer at 9 tomorrow morning? I’d like to see you if you have time. That’ll be fine with me. I’m only available from 10 to 12 tomorrow morning. I’m afraid I don’t have time tomorrow morning. What time would be good for you? I was thinking about Thursday. I’m afraid I have to cancel our appointment to have lunch together. 2014LIU LINGLING21

22 Practice 3: Making apologies Write a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation in 10 minutes. Then share in groups. You, Martin, lost the reference book borrowed from your classmate Judy. Write her a note, apologizing to her, explaining why you could not return the book in time and how you lost the book, and promising to buy the same book to return to her soon. 2014LIU LINGLING22

23 What should be included in notes making apologies? 1.Express your apology for having failed to do sth. or done sth. undesirable; 2.State the reason for it; 3.Say sorry again and make a suggestion for doing sth. to make up. 2014LIU LINGLING23

24 Useful language aid for Practice 3 I write this note to express my great apology to you as I … I’m writing to apologize for … I feel so/terribly sorry for/that … I do apologize that … Sorry to … Please forget about it and forgive me. I will try my best to … 2014LIU LINGLING24

25 Homework: One of the 5 assigned writing tasks: Note-writing Write a note in about 50-70 words based on each of the following situations. Choose one to put in your “Individual Writing” E-file. The E-file should show your writing process, including first draft, peer review and final version. 2014LIU LINGLING25

26 Homework: Write a note based on each of the following situations. 1. Suppose your mother has come to see you and tonight you will sleep in the room she has booked in a hotel near your university. Write a note to your roommate Lily in about 50-60 words. 2014LIU LINGLING26

27 Homework: Write a note based on each of the following situations. 2. You want to make an appointment to go shopping with your friend Mary tomorrow afternoon, because you have just been informed that there will be a big sale tomorrow. Write a note to Mary in about 50-60 words. 2014LIU LINGLING27

28 Homework: Write a note based on each of the following situations. 3. You have made an appointment to discuss your project with Professor Smith tomorrow afternoon, but you have just been informed to have a meeting then. Write a note to your teacher in about 50- 60 words. 2014LIU LINGLING28

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