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Supply and Demand 5-3. 1. What is Demand Schedule? -How much consumers are willing to buy at various prices.

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Presentation on theme: "Supply and Demand 5-3. 1. What is Demand Schedule? -How much consumers are willing to buy at various prices."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supply and Demand 5-3

2 1. What is Demand Schedule? -How much consumers are willing to buy at various prices

3 2. What is Supply Schedule? -How much sellers are willing to sell at various prices

4 4. What is Equilibrium? -Point of balance between price and quantity

5 5. What will buyers find on shelves at equilibrium? -There will be ample supply on shelves

6 6. What will firms find at equilibrium? -There will be enough buyers for their goods

7 7. What is Disequilibrium? -When quantity supplied is not equal to quantity demanded

8 8. What is Excess Demand? -Quantity demanded is more than the quantity supplied

9 10. What will happen to customers at excess demand? -They will have to wait in long lines or not get the product they want

10 11. What should a business do at excess demand? -Increase the price

11 12. What is Excess Supply? -Quantity supplied exceeds the quantity demanded

12 14. What causes excess supply? -High prices or excess or over production

13 15. What will customers do at excess supply? -Buy less or buy an alternative

14 16. What is a Price Ceiling? -Maximum price set by law that sellers can charge for a good or service

15 17. Give an example and explain. -Rent Control, can only charge so much

16 18. What problems do price ceiling cause? -Reduces quantity and quality -Waiting lists, discrimination, and bribery

17 19. What are Price Floors? -Minimum price set by the government that must be paid

18 20. Give an example. -Minimum Wage

19 21. What happens if price floors are set wrong? -Decrease in employment and benefits -Prices of products increase sharply

20 22. How did the government try to work price floors into agriculture? -Minimum price set, but if it goes below then the government creates demand by purchasing excess crops

21 23. What does the government do instead today? -Provides emergency financial aid to farmers

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