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Inequalities R eview- g reater than: greater than or equal to: less than: less than or equal to: ** The inequality sign is always pointing to the smaller.

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Presentation on theme: "Inequalities R eview- g reater than: greater than or equal to: less than: less than or equal to: ** The inequality sign is always pointing to the smaller."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inequalities R eview- g reater than: greater than or equal to: less than: less than or equal to: ** The inequality sign is always pointing to the smaller value. ** Keep the variable on the left hand side of the inequality (this will help when graphing) Example: x ≤ 6 This reads "x is less than or equal to six" > ≥ < ≤

2 Inequalities in One Variable: T o graph an inequality in one variable we must solve for the given variable. **If you divide by a negative number, you must FLIP the inequality sign. > or < Open circle ≥ or ≤ Closed circle

3 Example 1: 3-2x < 9 -3 -2x < 6 -2 x > -3 Divide by a negative.. FLIP sign 0 -2 -3-4-5 12 34 5 Open circle because it > Shade to the right because it was greater than (>) Example 2: 15 ≥ 7x + 1 14 ≥ 7x 7 7 2 ≥ x x ≤ 2 variable needs to be on the left side 0 -2-3-4-512 34 5

4 On Your Own: C ombine like terms. Solve and graph on a number line. Pull the tab for the answers Pull

5 Compound Inequalities: Many times solutions fall between two quantities, rather than continuing forever in one direction. OR inequalities 0 -2 -3-4 -5 12 34 5 0 -2 -3-4 -5 12 34 5

6 AND Inequalities

7 On Your Own: S olve the compound inequality. Write it symbolically and on a number line. Pull the tab to check your answers. Pull

8 Writing and Solving Word Problems Example 1: "At least" does not mean "less than". At least means it could be 200 or more!

9 You Try! Pull

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