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Italian Reflexive Verbs Reflexive verbs, generally, are verbs in which the subject and the object are the same; in English, you use the reflexive pronouns.

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Presentation on theme: "Italian Reflexive Verbs Reflexive verbs, generally, are verbs in which the subject and the object are the same; in English, you use the reflexive pronouns."— Presentation transcript:

1 Italian Reflexive Verbs Reflexive verbs, generally, are verbs in which the subject and the object are the same; in English, you use the reflexive pronouns myself, yourself, himself, etc Examples: Lavarsi (reflexive verb) Lavare( not reflexive)

2 I Riflessivi… Svegliarsi Alzarsi LavarsiPettinarsi

3 So what is a reflexive verb? Lets look at the following examples to see if we can figure it out together. 1. Mi chiamo Maria. I call myself Maria. 2. Io chiamo il cane. I call the dog.

4 Per esempio: He washes his hands before dinner. I wash my face. We brush our teeth.

5 The infinitive of reflexive verbs always ends in –si, so you can have verbs ending in –arsi, -ersi or -irsi. Some examples are: Lavarsi: to wash oneself Chiamarsi: to call oneself Mettersi: to put on oneself Vestirsi: to dress oneself

6 Reflexive verbs are conjugated the same way regular verbs are. For example… lets take the verb lavare. Lavare: To wash LAVO LAVI LAVA LAVIAMO LAVATE LAVANO Io Tu Lui/Lei/ Lei Noi Voi Loro

7 LAVARE: to wash Io ____la macchina. Lui _____il cane. Tu ____la finestra lavo lavi lava

8 Lavare as a reflexive verb is Lavarsi. Lavarsi means to wash oneself.

9 Pronouns MyselfMI YourselfTI Himself/herselfSI OurselvesCI YourselvesVI ThemselvesSI ** **These pronouns generally go before the reflexive verb. Reflexive Pronouns

10 Lavarsi: To wash oneself NEL PRESENTE Io LAVO Tu LAVI Lui / Lei / Lei LAVA Noi LAVIAMO Voi LAVATE Loro LAVANO MI TI SI CI VI SI

11 *A: Lavarsi - to wash oneself *B: Lavare- to wash anything A reflexive B NOT REFLEXIVE

12 A. *Radersi to shave oneself himself,etc B. * radere/ to shave *A. reflexive *B not reflexive

13 A*Pettinarsi- to comb one's hair B.*Pettinare- to comb A. reflexive B. not reflexive

14 A.*svegliarsi- to wake up oneself B.* svegliare-to wake up someone A.* reflexive B.* not reflexive

15 A*vestirsi - to dress oneself B*vestire - to dress A* reflexive B* not reflexive

16 COMMON ITALIAN REFLEXIVE VERBS addormentarsi to fall asleepaddormentarsi alzarsi to get upalzarsi annoiarsi to be boredannoiarsi chiamarsi to be namedchiamarsi divertirsi to have fun, to enjoy oneselfdivertirsi farsi il bagno to bathe oneselffarsi il bagno farsi la doccia to take a showerfarsi la doccia fermarsi to stop oneselffermarsi lavarsi to wash oneselflavarsi lavarsi i denti to wash one’s teethlavarsi i denti

17 COMMON ITALIAN REFLEXIVE VERBS mettersi to put (clothing) onmettersi mettersi a to begin to (do something)mettersi a pettinarsi to comb one's hairpettinarsi prepararsi to prepare onselfprepararsi preoccuparsi (di) to worry (about)preoccuparsi (di) sedersi to sit downsedersi sentirsi to feelsentirsi svegliarsi to wake upsvegliarsi vestirsi to get dressedvestirsi

18 Reflexive pronouns (i pronomi riflessivi) SINGULAR PLURAL mi myself ci ourselves ti yourself vi yourselves si himself,herself, si themselves, yourself(f), itself yourselves (f) (f=formal)

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