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Politics of the People Andrew Jackson’s election to the presidency in 1828 brought a new era of popular democracy.

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Presentation on theme: "Politics of the People Andrew Jackson’s election to the presidency in 1828 brought a new era of popular democracy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Politics of the People Andrew Jackson’s election to the presidency in 1828 brought a new era of popular democracy

2 Key Vocabulary and Key People Key Terms Jacksonian Democracy Spoils System Key People John Quincy Adams Andrew Jackson

3 Fatal Four-way Fight  John Quincy Adams, William Crawford, Henry Clay, and Andrew Jackson all fought for the 1824 election as Democratic-Republicans  Jackson won the MOST votes but NOT the Majority so it went to the House to decide  J.Q. Adams won the Election with Clay’s support but accomplished little in his presidency

4 Banana Splits  Jackson and J.Q. Adams continued to split the Democratic republican Party creating TWO political parties, the Democrats and National Republicans  Jackson appealed to the common man as J.Q. Adams was a wealthy politician  Jackson promised a Jacksonian Democracy where majority rule would ensure common people more power in government

5 Leader of the common pack  While voting was still limited to white males, those that could vote increased to the lower classes  Jackson won the 1828 election in a landslide and showed that the elite no longer controlled politics

6 A Real Man’s Man  Jackson was popular for many reasons:  He was NOT Aristocratic and led a life of hardships  He was a military hero in the Revolutionary war who escaped capture  He Built his own legal practice through hard work  He was a war hero in the War of 1812

7 Crowd Control  Shortly after the election Jackson’s wife Rachel died of a Heart attack taking a toll on Jackson  Jackson’s Inauguration brought together people of all classes in celebration  Jackson, the common man, would be a popular president from day one

8 A Tale of TWO presidents Jefferson  Government for the people by educated leaders  Political Democracy  Supported Farmers in an Agricultural Society  Limited Government Jackson  Government by all people  Social, Economic, and Political Democracy  Supported Farmers AND Workers in an Agricultural and Industrial society  Limited Government with Strong President

9 I Guess Jackson left the Milk out of the Refrigerator all night or something  Jackson used the Spoils System to reward his political supporters with jobs in government  Jackson would face THREE major issues in his presidency:  The Status of Native Americans  States Rights  The role of the national bank

10 This Has Been Another World Famous Mr. Green PowerPoint Presentation Go Cavs!!

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