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Unit Five : Eliminate Modifier Problems 去除修飾語所造成的問 題 柯泰德網路線上科技英 文論文編修訓練服務.

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1 Unit Five : Eliminate Modifier Problems 去除修飾語所造成的問 題 柯泰德網路線上科技英 文論文編修訓練服務

2 修飾語必須放在所要 修飾的字之旁。

3 您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n To succeed in the laboratory, diligence is essential due to the fact that many experiments are necessary. n 較佳 : To succeed in the laboratory, the researcher must be diligent due to the fact that many experiments are necessary.

4 您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n Before submitting a graduate school application, the institution should be selected. n 較佳 : Before a student submits a graduate school application, the institution should be selected.

5 您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n Pressing the start button prior to operations, the machine turned on. n 較佳 : The machine turned on after the operator pressed the start button.

6 您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n When simulating the environment, the outcome yielded some surprising results. n 較佳 : When the laboratory assistant simulated the environment, the outcome yielded some surprising results.

7 您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n The program contains the proposed itinerary that was implemented yesterday. n 較佳 : The program implemented yesterday contains the proposed itinerary.

8 您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n The container held by the experimenter with many leaks must be replaced. n 較佳 : Held by the experimenter, the container with many leaks must be replaced.

9 您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n To select the levels of the design parameter, the effects of the noise factors must be minimized. n 較佳 : To select the levels of the design parameter, the engineer must minimize the effects of the noise factors.

10 您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n Analyzing the SN ratios, the optimal settings can be determined n 較佳 : The optimal settings can be determined by analyzing the SN ratios.

11 您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n When taking an examination, the questions should be answered as thoroughly as possible. n 較佳 : When taking an examination, a student should answer the questions as thoroughly as possible.

12 您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n To excel in academics, determination is necessary. n 較佳 : Determination is necessary to excel in academics.

13 詳細內容請參考 : 科技英文編修訓練手 冊 ( 進階篇 )( 柯泰德 著 ) 網址 : http://www.chineseowl.i

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