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Nutrients: gives us energy or helps us form new compounds Food= gives us energy 3 main types of foods - Carbs, Proteins, Lipids (Fats)

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrients: gives us energy or helps us form new compounds Food= gives us energy 3 main types of foods - Carbs, Proteins, Lipids (Fats)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrients: gives us energy or helps us form new compounds Food= gives us energy 3 main types of foods - Carbs, Proteins, Lipids (Fats)

2  A. Types  Simple = Sugars (Mono or Di Saccharides)  Refined (Processed)  Broken Down Easily (and quickly) by the body  Ex= sugar, candy, soda,  Complex = Starches (Polysaccharides)  Long chains of Monosaccharides  Glycogen- stored in liver and muscles  If too much glycogen is present, the body stores the excess as fat.  * Cellulose- starches that your body can’t digest. (Fiber)

3  Lipids- glycerols and fatty acids are the building blocks  A. Saturated- solid at room temperature  Animal fats, Crisco, Butter, Milk, Cheese etc. B. Unsaturated- liquids at room temperature (veg. oils/derived from plants.

4  Lipids contain 2x the amount of energy/calories as Carbohydrates but are not considered a good source of Energy…..Why?

5  Lipids contain cholesterol that can lead to heart disease etc.  They are much harder for your body to break down.

6  Proteins are long chains of Amino Acids  Proteins are essential for growth and repair, but are not used by the body for energy that often (our bodies prefer carbohydrates).  20 known Amino Acids  We make 11  We need to eat the other 9 (ESSENTIAL AA)

7  Complete proteins (containing the 9 essential Amino Acids) come from other animals (chicken, pork, alligator etc)  Incomplete proteins (missing at least 1 essential amino acid) can be derived from plants.  Vegetarians need to eat multiple sources of nuts, veggies, etc. in order to consume the 9 essential AA’s.

8  Vitamins (A, B12, C etc.)- needed by the body in small amounts (more is not always better)  Can be consumed if you are eating a “healthy” diet that includes fruits, vegetables etc.  A- night vision and healthy skin  B12- increased energy, DNA synthesis  C- Antioxidant, connective tissue repair  E- Antioxidant, fertility and reproduction, red blood cell formation etc.

9  Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium etc.-  Needed for metabolic process all over the body. Iron - production of hemoglobin Calcium - bones and teeth, functioning of muscles and nerves Magnesium - Formation of bones and teeth, cellular metabolism and production of energy Potassium - needed for muscle growth, transmission of nerve impulses, heart activity etc.

10  60-80% of entire body-  ** all chemical reactions in the body take place in water.

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