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Introduction to library resources for Transition to Professional Practice.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to library resources for Transition to Professional Practice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to library resources for Transition to Professional Practice

2 Comedy is a god given gift, and nurses have it!

3 But, if you think starting at the Leddy website is a good idea, Think some more!

4 Start Here!

5 Nurses call the shots! What am I looking for? 1.Ask questions about your topic! If assigned, read assignment requirements carefully. 2.Reduce your topic to a single question. most topics can be reduced to a single question probe the topic in a way that interests you give yourself focus, focus, focus 3.What kind of information do I need? Published research, empirical research, statistics,...

6 Nurse: "Sir, do you have any pain today?" patient: "No." Nurse: "Would you like some?" Question must answerable in the circumstances. length of paper submitted amount of available time quantity of supporting research

7 A nurse who can smile when things go wrong is probably going off duty. Manipulating the question depending on what is assigned, the basis for the question can be made broader or narrower

8 Diabetes Mellitus Broader: 1.carbohydrate metabolism disorders, ( one of many metabolic disorders, including amino acid metabolism, organic acid metabolism, etc.) 2.endocrine disorders, 3.autoimmune disorders. Narrower: 1.types, 2.populations, 3.treatment/therapy, 4.causes/risk factors, 5.diagnosis/pathology.

9 Diabetes Mellitus I choose to narrow by: 1.Types: Type II – delayed onset 2.Population: Adults 3.Causes/Risk factors: Nutrition If Nursing was easy, it would be called Management!

10 My Questions Does nutrition affect the rate of TII DM in adults? Does proper nutrition in childhood mitigate the rate of TII DM in adults? Does breastfeeding mitigate the rate of TII DM in adults? My Working Thesis Breastfeeding mitigates the rate of TII DM in adults.

11 Nurses do it patiently. Breastfeeding mitigates the rate of TII DM in adults. so diabet* AND "type 2" OR "type II" OR T2d OR T2dm OR TIId OR TIIdm AND breastfe* OR "breast feed*" OR "breast fed" OR breastmilk OR "breast milk"







18 All bleeding stops, eventually.


20 Doctors practice but Nurses know!

21 Be kind to Nurses! Eventually, they will see you naked.



24 Patient: I broke my arm in two places! Nurse: Well don't go back there again! Steps starting with some intellectual effort, taking a topic and posing ourselves questions, working that question into manageable form, stating a working thesis based on your question, identifying searchable terms, interrogating an appropriate database, or, set of databases.

25 Nurses have a code for every colour, including brown.

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