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The scientist role in science delivery What’s next? It’s your move. Disclaimer: No research was used in the genesis of this presentation – all information.

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Presentation on theme: "The scientist role in science delivery What’s next? It’s your move. Disclaimer: No research was used in the genesis of this presentation – all information."— Presentation transcript:

1 The scientist role in science delivery What’s next? It’s your move. Disclaimer: No research was used in the genesis of this presentation – all information is purely my opinion.

2 Statistical Analysis

3 Effective science delivery “Communicating FLR research beyond the scientific community to inform and educate non-FLR audiences that will build partnerships and influence policy in a positive manner.”

4 Science Delivery – Great idea!!! But what is it gonna cost me? Costs: Time, Patience Benefits: Building partnerships; effective partnerships can change practices and policies that will serve the greater good of the earth and humanity; more $$$$ to continue your research

5 OK, science delivery needs to happen but is it really my job? Yes – at least to the level of working with a communications or science delivery specialist.

6 4 Habits of Highly Effective Science Delivery Specialists  People who know your research – or at least an understanding of science.  Ability to communicate to a wide range of audiences  Flexible in repackaging information about FLR to different audiences  Use a wide array of delivery tools

7 Match the delivery system to the audience –you must do this.  How does your audience receive information? Newsprint/magazines? TV? Internet? Direct Marketing?

8 Having a Website is not Enough!  Understand the habits of Web users and design accordingly  Promote your site and measure success  Update and maintain your content  Be willing to take chances and make mistakes  Keep a constant dialogue with your users

9 Embrace New Technologies IUFRO FLR Blog:

10 Just because you can do it does not mean you should…  Online chat with scientists  Unsustainable technology  Knowing your customers, how they want to be reached, how they learn, how they prioritize information received  Unprepared for demand: Live Webcam at Mt. St. Helens

11 Did you get it right?  User feedback (e.g. face-to-face, email, phone)  Focus groups  Accept feedback that you are given  Web site statistics  Constant Dialogue with your partners  Treesearch – Ann Bartuska

12 Embrace New Technologies IUFRO FLR Blog:










22 IUFRO FLR Conference is over – what happens Next? What becomes of the information delivered and exchanged in Seoul? Who else needs to hear this? Who is going to make sure it happens?

23 Embrace New Technologies IUFRO FLR Blog:

24 Final Thoughts “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” -- Charles Darwin

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