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Published byBarry Cameron Carter Modified over 9 years ago
Guidance Team Self Study & Academic Team Self Study Erica Harris, Kelly Arrington and Tommi Leach, ODCTE
What could we add to your job?
The struggle is real… Even though school counselors kn ow that addressing social and sel f-management skills contributes to i mproved academic outcomes, th ey rarely have school-based outc ome data to support the effectiv eness of this type of interventi on.” (Luck & Webb, 2009)
Another reason… “Data is the LOVE language of a dministrators!” - @Cavcarr1 ASCA15 What do you collect now?
We need all three –If we do this… »Then track how students ASK changed… Does a student success barrier (ABC) improve?
How we started – Guidance Team Self-Study We were looking for a continuous improvement m odel for guidance in technology centers We looked at the ASCA National School Counseling Model and its student competencies We compared guidance plans from numerous states
Guidance Self-Study Oklahoma is unique so we designed ou r own continuous improvement plan We solicited input from a statewide ne eds assessment survey, worked with a t ask force from the field & ODCTE staff We piloted with tech centers that were in the accreditation process We rolled out the Guidance Self-Study in August 2012
A quick look at the Guidance Self-Study document Directions – (submitted by site) Self-Study – Part A – Criteria –Guidance Services –Individual Planning –Partner Collaboration & Coordination –Responsive Services –System Support Self evaluation on each criteria Data – Part B (a guidance report will be pro- vid ed) Planning documentation/Goal Development– P art C
Guidance Team Self Study Directions Use Drop Box file – not the versions saved o n your computer It’s a document that is added to, edited, and /or changed every year Stages of Implementation Use a different colored font each year as changes are made
Guidance Team Self Study Data – Part B —Counselor Report – off of CAC Website at: http://www.okcareertech.o rg/educators/career-and-academic-connections/guidance-and-couns eling scroll down to ithttp://www.okcareertech.o rg/educators/career-and-academic-connections/guidance-and-couns eling —We have discovered gathering attendance data is a problem —Are there any other data points we should be including? Planning documentation – Part C —Copy and paste under Criteria for Goal Development from Part A to Part C —Change your criteria to improve each year —Show Beginning and Ending data used —Make MEASURABLE goals —Comment section is for ODCTE – you are also welcome to make co mments Questions? Contact Tommi or Erica or Kelly
Examples of Part A: Guidance Services & Responsive Services CriteriaStage of Implementation Process Description Providing a list of students earning college credit, industry credentials, and/or CarrerTech scholarships to partner schools for award ceremonies Partially Implemented 2015 Fully Implemented Some but not all of this is shared with partner schools. 2014: Industry credentials are shared with partner schools. Scholarships are presented at partner school award ceremonies. 2015: Credential data compiled and used in Baldridge accreditation Establishing linkages with community based organiza- tions for referral purposes Partially Implemented/planning in progress 2014: Planning Currently advisory committee members are utilized. PLANNING: Building stronger rela- tionships with community based organiza- tions, i.e., Boys and Girls Club with a “Summer Institute” for agencies in our area to further their knowledge of CareerTech and the opportunities available. Campus X has been under construction for most of the 2nd semester. A summer insti- tute was not feasible for the 13/14 sy. 2014/15 – Planning: Summer Institute for community agencies.
Examples of Guidance Goal Year1Criteria (copy and paste criteria) Process DescriptionPerson(s) Responsible Beginning Year Data/ Year-End Data Measurable Goal Indicate Met or Not M et 2014- 2015 IP 3. Assist students in identifying, implementing, and meeting career goals......provid ing advisement for all students Revisit and revise Plans of Study yearly. Utilizing EnrollTrack develop digital POS to review with every student during enrollment and re-enrollment sessions. Coordinate with Partner Schools on behalf of the integrated POS for individual districts. Encourage implemen- tation of this tool already pro- vided to Partner Schools. FOLLOWUP-We used EnrollTrac to gather info needed for placement i.e. ACT/ COMPASS/Explore/Plan. Now info is digital and available in real time Counselors, Support staff, Director District Reports Completion Rate is up.32% and.25 above state. Retention Rate is up 1.3% and 6.06 above state. Completion Rate up.43% Retention Rate down.68% However, we still ex- ceed state percentages on both criteria. Decrease Leavers by 5% Leavers increased by.88%. Still 2.06% below state indi- cates lack of guidance contact and interventions with students. Increase CM Completion by 5% Increased by.32% indicates more meaningful guidance con- tacts and interventions are needed. Increase CM Retention by 5%. Retention rate down due to lack of adequate staff for retention activities.
Academic Team Self-Study One good thing follows another… Currently in draft form We piloted this spring with 7 tech centers
Academic Team Self Study We would like to see the Academic Team Self-Study actually be composed of a TEAM including, but not limited to: –Academic Center Coordinator –Assessment Coordinator –Academic Instructional Staff –Counselor –Administrator –Partner School counselor or representative
Academic Enhancement Self Study Directions —Submitted by site through Drop Box —Completed annually (due June 15 th ) —Completed by SITE —Uploaded into a DropBox file (initiated by ODCTE) —ODCTE will review and respond with comments/s uggestions
Stages of Implementation No Activity Planning/ In Progress Partially Implemented Fully Implemen ted Advanced Impl ementation
Part A: Criteria 5 areas of criteria –Academic Instruction, Enhancement & Integration –Content and Instructional Delivery –Related Skills –System Support –Academic Credit Options
Part A: Criteria Once completed, you will only edit each year Stages of implementation may change Change FONT color every year Draw a line through activities you no longer do
Examples of Part A: Academic Instruc tion, Enhancement & Integration CriteriaStage of Implementation Process Description 1. Academic instruction at an appropriate level is provided for all students in all full-time programs Fully ImplementedInstructors use a variety of tools and methods to provide instruction to all students 2. Occupational instructors reinforce the importance of integrating academic instructions into their occupational training to maximize technical success Partially Implemented Instructors do not always inform students that they are participating in academics within their occupational curriculum Differences in terminology between academics and occupational instruction are not always noted
More Examples CriteriaStage of Implementation Process Description 3. Specific accommodations required for special needs students attending the technology center are systematically implemented by instructors Fully ImplementedInstructors are given a Student Accommodation/Modification Information form by the counselor’s office with information in regard to the instructor’s student(s) that are on IEPs and 504s The counselor keeps the formal documents on file in her office The counselor is also available to assist the student and or the instructor with meeting the required accommodations/modifications needed for the student to succeed
Last one… CriteriaStage of Implementation Process Description 4. An instructional manage- ment system not only maintains records of student participation but also marks progress toward meeting identified competencies related to their programs Fully ImplementedTC uses SonisWeb to keep track of all student records with respect to student participation and progress toward meeting identified competencies related to their program
Academic Team Self Study – Data Pilot 9 tech centers volunteered to complete data pilot Some are continuing through this school year Information has been submitted to Ruth Peace to pull report from new Big Data system Possibility of a report
Part B: Data TCTW data CRC Credentials Exemptions for EOIs (Alg. II & Geom.) PLTW Pre-Engineering, BioMed, Computer Science end-of-course scores BioTech -number of students Academic courses – number of students/how many credits earned Performance levels on EOI exams OKPromise credits earned Remediation – number of students participating Number of credits recovered outside or through a credit- recovery program
Part C: Planning Documentation Setting 2 goals each year Enter school year Criteria – copy and paste specific criteria from Part A Process Description – activities Person(s) responsible Beginning Year Data/Year-End Data Goal Indicate Met or Not Met
Examples of Academic Goals YearCriteria (copy and paste entire criteria) Process DescriptionPerson(s) Responsible Beginning Year Data/ Year-End Data Measurable Goal Indicate Met or N ot Met 2015- 16 Academic Instruction #2: Technical instructors reinforce the importance of integrating academic instruction into their technical training to maximize technical success All Tech Center instructors are implementing Rigorous CTE strategies in their class rooms. Use of strategies will be recorded by using posters to track usage of strategies throughout the school year. Administrators will collect, analyze and compare data to determine growth. Instructors Academic Center staff Counselors Administrators Beginning Year Data: TC instructors used Rigorous CTE strategies in their classrooms an average of _____ (#) of times per month Year-End Data: TC instructors used Rigorous CTE strategies in their classrooms an average of _____ (#) of times per month TC instructors will increase the use of Rigorous CTE strategies in their classrooms by ____ (#) per month Met Not Met
Examples of Academic Goals Year1Criteria (copy and paste e ntire criteria) Process DescriptionPerson(s) Responsible Beginning Year Data/ Year-End Data Measurable Goal Indicate Met or Not M et 2015-16 Content & Instruction al Delivery #2: Assisting all students in recognizing the relevance of academic skills required for educational, occupation and career success WorkKeys testing WorkKeys score analyzation Compare individual WorkKeys scores with career cluster benchmark Instructors Counselors Academic Center staff Beginning Year Data: In 2014-15, WorkKeys was administered to 56% of students In 2014-15, 10% of students compared their W orkKeys scores with their career goal Year-End Data: In 2015-16, WorkKeys was administered to 100% of students In 2015-16, 90% of student compared their WorkKeys scores with their career goals WorkKeys will be administered to 100% of all new students Met Not Met 100% of students will compare their WorkKeys scores with their career goal Met Not Met
Academic Enhancement Self- Study Planning Documentation – Part C —Change your criteria to improve each year —Show Beginning and Ending data used —Make MEASURABLE goals —Comment section for ODCTE – you are also welcome to make comments and attach documents if you want Questions: Contact Tommi Leach
State of Guidance The State of Guidance “Do not be afraid of growing slowly, only of standing still.” ~ Chinese Proverb The State of Guidance “Do not be afraid of growing slowly, only of standing still.” ~ Chinese Proverb
2013-2014 Piktochart t/7001299-untitled-infographic
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Contact Us: Tommi Leach Academic Coordinator 405-743-5524 Erica Harris Advisement Specialist 405-743-5164 Kelly Arrington Guidance Coordinator 405-743-5159
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