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Action Research on IEC Practices (Selamat Project Component) & Indigenous Knowledge for DRR Name of the organization: Kyoto University Target Countries:

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Presentation on theme: "Action Research on IEC Practices (Selamat Project Component) & Indigenous Knowledge for DRR Name of the organization: Kyoto University Target Countries:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Action Research on IEC Practices (Selamat Project Component) & Indigenous Knowledge for DRR Name of the organization: Kyoto University Target Countries: India, Indonesia, Maldives, Sri Lanka Cost of Action: USD 146,590 / USD 100,000 Stakeholders/beneficiaries: Universities, Students from universities, Local Government Practitioners, NGOs, field practitioners, and school teachers

2 Implementation Process (1) Counterpart Selection Baseline Survey Development and implementation of training University of Madras (India and Maldives) Institute of Technology Bandung (Indonesia) University of Peradeniya (Sri Lanka) Perception and interest of university students Prioritization of courses Eight training modules were developed and tested Courses were developed based on the training modules Feedback from the field experiences of the ADRRN members

3 Implementation Process (2)

4 Key Achievements (IEC) Development of Eight Training modules Eight training workshops for practitioners and professionals Curriculum development for higher education Academic and practitioners network with local NGOs Raised awareness and capacity building

5 Key Achievements (IK) IK and DRR good practice compilation (18 good practices from 13 countries) IK Policy Note IK Policy events –Workshop, July 2008, Kyoto –Side Event, December 2008, KL –Panel Discussion, February 2009, Delhi –Special Event, June 2009, Geneva

6 Lessons Learned Collaboration: breaking traditional boundaries (academic and disciplines) Participation: From national to local governments and field practitioners Commitments: From higher level of the university administration Time factor: University curriculum needs longer time Ch allenges: –Non-availability of educational institute in Maldives posed certain challenges –Administrative challenges due to two separate contracts in 1.5 year project with no-cost extension

7 Sustainability Asian University Network of Environment and Disaster Management (AUEDM: 16 universities from 14 countries and regions

8 Future Plans Linking field research and education in the university system –AUEDM Education Agenda –AUEDM Research Agenda Focus on climate related disasters –Working closely with the UNFCCC –Working with national and regional organizations Specific thematic focus –Urban Risk Reduction –Climate Change Adaptation

9 Additional Components DRR Capacity Building Project (SEEDS Technical Services) Publication of disaster education workbook (for students) and town watching handbook (for teachers) 1-2-3 of Disaster education (1 year, 2 level, 3 hazards) Organize training program for city managers in India (30 participants from 20 cities): 9 th of September 2009 Organize training program of practitioners and schools teachers (14-15 September 2009) in Sri Lanka 80 professionals, 60 school teachers

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