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Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06. Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Joshua Smith for the GEO 600 team Picture of GEO in stormy weather?? Or pics of tractors with.

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Presentation on theme: "Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06. Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Joshua Smith for the GEO 600 team Picture of GEO in stormy weather?? Or pics of tractors with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06

2 Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Joshua Smith for the GEO 600 team Picture of GEO in stormy weather?? Or pics of tractors with trees? Instrumental and environmental noise in GEO600 North building

3 Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Overview Environmental: oSeismic oDust oMagnetic fields / Mains Instrumental: oNoise Projections oTracking couplings oNoise subtraction oNoise vetoes A selection of recent detector characterization work

4 Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Seismic / up-conversion H @ 240Hz H @ 290Hz H @ 340Hz Seis @ 49Hz 0 Time [h] 3.5 Amplitude (max)

5 Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Dust

6 Power glitches Detector output Input port power

7 Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Back-coupling? Strain coupling to DC power Dark port DC Power Strain back-coupling doesn’t explain instrumental channel coincidence

8 Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Power glitches vs. dust Dark port DC power glitch count Particle count Dark port DC power glitch count Input port DC power glitch count 0 Time [m] 180

9 Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Particle waves filtered 140  20 45  5 3  0.2 (Particles/cu.ft)/1000 AaAa

10 Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Dust made loudest glitches Before filterAfter filter Time [h] Det. output BLRMS @~ 170Hz

11 Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Magnetic fields / Mains

12 Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Magnetic field glitches B glitches H glitches Linear coupling, coherence

13 Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Magnetic field “projection” B-field nearly limiting noise around 100Hz? oCoupling not yet understood oChecks: magnetometer measures B-field, IFO back-coupling ruled out

14 Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Hourly mains glitches Hourly series start: o24 secs after GPS hour o10 secs after UTC hour 24s

15 Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Mag./mains coinc. with H Frequency [Hz] Magnetometer central building ~ 50coinc./8hrs Time-freq glitch maps Time-shifted coincidence Mains monitor central building ~ 30coinc./8hrs Time [h] 0088 50 0 0 Time shift [s] 1 1 Frequency [Hz]

16 Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Noise Projections

17 Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Noise Budget Alignment actuation Scattering, up-conversion, ? Shot, dark, osc. phase

18 Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Tracking noise transfer func’s Tracked: Signal Recycl. FB Osc. Phase Laser intensity Frequency Amp ratio ~ 1 phase diff ~ 0

19 Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Transfer func’s: long-term (10d) 10 days, most projections: +/- 10% mag +/- 10 degs phase So, long-term stable Ratio/Diffs drifts Histogram of drifts

20 Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Noise transfer func’s: short-term +/- 20% mag. variations on second timescales!

21 Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Noise Subtraction

22 Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Detector output and noise Detector output Noise chans. Record subset Noise projection Noise budget Improved H

23 Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Noise subtraction requirements Subtraction factor depends on amplitude ratio and phase difference of filter used and real transfer function response.

24 Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Noise subtraction results Time domain subtraction, simple IIR filters fit to measured TF response. Ratio H/(H-Projs) But, no reduction of up-conversion

25 Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Technical noise veto

26 Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Noise veto: eg. injection H Michelson oscillator phase noise

27 Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Noise veto performance “Robust vetoes for gravitational-wave burst triggers using known instrumental couplings” P. Ajith, M. Hewitson, J. R. Smith, K. A. Strain, submitted to CQG, Estimated veto efficiency vs. rejection probability for the chosen thresholds.

28 Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06 The end 'falco tinnunculus', better know as 'Turmfalke'

29 Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Noise subtraction II Used simple IIR filters - good match to simple transfer function

30 Joshua Smith, Elba, Italy 31.05.06 Statistical dust veto? MID VIS veto TF map and timeshifted results

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