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Google Now + Extending Google Now for Semi-autonomous automobiles JAMES STALLWORTH.

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Presentation on theme: "Google Now + Extending Google Now for Semi-autonomous automobiles JAMES STALLWORTH."— Presentation transcript:

1 Google Now + Extending Google Now for Semi-autonomous automobiles JAMES STALLWORTH

2 Who Can Use This Product? This product is for drivers of semi-autonomous vehicles who have smartphones, are familiar with Google Now, and are not mute or otherwise unable to communicate through speech. The goal of this proposed extension of Google Now is to use smartphone technology to make cars more situation aware and responsive, while giving the user more control over their driving environment. In current systems, attempts to increase drivers’ awareness are in my opinion more distracting than helpful. Also, each car company builds its own interface, leading to confusion and often a much lower quality experience than users have with their smartphones.

3 Semi-Autonomous Cars The semi-autonomous vehicle this product is made for is basically any car that can automatically do everything for the user except steer. It can: – Adjust mirrors and seats – Operate windshield wipers, lights, heater/AC, and radio – Operate an integrated navigation system – Cruise control The product simply requires a smartphone capable of Near-Field- Communication (NFC), and an internet connection.

4 Google Now + The idea is to wirelessly connect the driver’s smartphone to his semi- autonomous vehicle, and send commands and information from the phone to the car and have the car react to those commands. The driver says the keyword “Google” then the phone listens to the command such as: “recline my seat” or “it’s too hot in here” and the car adjusts its settings based on that command. Of course the user can query all the current features of Google Now such as weather, upcoming events, and directions, but the goal is for the car to be interacting with the phone’s information so all the user has to do is put two hands on the steering wheel and drive. The car will adjust automatically to all the information from Google Now. For example: turning on windshield wipers when told it’s raining, adjusting headlights for darkness/fog, and programming the navigation system based on where Google Now knows the driver is going.

5 Initializing When the driver enters the car, Google Now enters drive mode and connects to the car’s control system. The car’s minimal display shows the status of the connection

6 Listening Mode After the driver says “Google” the phone begins listening. It will translate the user’s words into text

7 Daily Drive The driver basically watches the road and talks to the car (through his smartphone) when he wants to adjust something

8 Taking Action Car Turns on Driver’s favorite station

9 Smartphone Placement The Smartphone will be placed between the seats in the area with cup holders. From there the driver can speak to it and hear it without being distracted by the screen.

10 Interaction Although the car has already adjusted to the current conditions, it is still nice for the user to access that information as well. Therefore, the user can ask Google questions and the phone will talk back.

11 Driver Position The goal of the technology at the end of the day is to let the car handle as much as possible so all the driver has to focus on is the road. It accomplishes this by eliminating the need to look at screens or physically move things.


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