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GP real-time patient feedback pilot Summary of real-time patient feedback pilot study October 2009 – March 2010.

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1 GP real-time patient feedback pilot Summary of real-time patient feedback pilot study October 2009 – March 2010

2 What is real-time patient feedback?  Real-time patient feedback allows GP practices to listen and respond to patients using their services  Real-time patient feedback uses technology to ask patients about their:  Experience during their visit to your practice  Awareness or understanding about the services you offer  Opinion on changes your practice may have recently introduced, or changes you are planning to make in future

3 What did the real-time patient feedback pilot look at? Aims were:  To establish whether real-time feedback is effective and practical in GP settings  To enable practices to identify areas of patient concern, introduce improvement and measure impact  To capture learning from 22 pilot GP practices and 3 suppliers to inform future DH guidance

4 Who was involved in the pilot programme? 6 month pilot programme, working with 22 GP practices  Across 9 SHA regions  Varying by size, patient list and practice circumstances  Pilot ran between October 2009 and end of March 2010 Involved 3 technology suppliers  Dr Foster Intelligence  Customer Research Technology (CRT)  Picker Institute Pilot was run by Department of Health and Central Office of Information

5 What are the next steps for the pilot?  Practical how-to guide is being produced to supplement to Practice Management Network Improving Access handbook  Succinct guidance will be available for new GPs planning on undertaking real-time feedback (based on pilot learnings)  New appendix will complement existing real- time content already in handbook (expected from July 2010 onwards)  Will be available online via Practice Management Network and supported by examples from pilot Pilot study contacts: Paul Betts at DH ( and Colin Cornforth at COI (

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